
Unauthorized taking iodine detrimental

Unauthorized taking iodine detrimental
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According to reports, the World Meteorological Organization and the
International Atomic Energy Agency regional environmental emergency
response center in Beijing through thematic conferences analysis that,
over a three-day Japan nuclear leak radioactive pollutants produced by
major regions as Japan's Central and Northern Honshu Island, has no
impact on our country.

In addition, the World Health Organization released Japan Fukushima
nuclear accident said in a question and answer, Japan whether the
incident would affect Japan people other than depending on weather
conditions and the release of radioactive material (such as wind
direction, wind speed and rainfall).In most cases, based on currently
available information, it is impossible to have a significant impact
on neighbouring countries.

Recently, as Japan nuclear power plant could lead to a further
escalation of nuclear leak crisis, many Internet users on the network
starting rumors "ways to prevent nuclear radiation".To a certain
extent this awareness of danger in times of good, but should be based
on true, science as a starting point.39 Health Net edits to
"preventing nuclear radiation" as keywords for Web search, which
appears a mainstream search engine 8,460,000 "prevention of nuclear
radiation".Edit detailed browsing previous page content discovery,
prevent nuclear radiation strange, and some views and even fight with
each other, of a sudden I do not know which method you should have is
correct.To this end, 39 health network editing specifically wired
Radiology third affiliated hospital of Nanfang Medical University
Professor Li Shaolin, and requested its comments on the professional
users of rumors in 5 classes to prevent nuclear radiation method--

User preventing nuclear radiation method: hear that nuclear radiation
easily lead to thyroid cancer, and Japan are also issued to residents
of the area concerned iodine.We should also be added to the diet with
iodine salt or buy iodine for use, so even if nuclear radiation to the
matter, we already have protective body in.

Expert comment: that perception is wrong.For is not in the radiation
zone,, privately taking iodine or add additional iodine intake is

A case study of iodine, iodine is the stability of iodine, it can make
saturated thus preventing radioactive iodine in the thyroid iodine
intake.Therefore, for people who have radioactive contamination in the
body can effectively prevent or reduce the impact of nuclear
radiation.But has not been affected by nuclear radiation or only
receive in vitro radiation pollution (such as skin pollution) who is

Secondly, according to the current monitoring data, China has not been
affected by nuclear radiation effects, has been in a State of
radioactive pollution of the body does not exist, so don't panic and
that any unauthorised use of iodine.Because for people who themselves
have hyperthyroidism or are allergic to iodine, unauthorized taking
iodine, blindly adding iodine intake is a risk behavior could often
increase or cause allergic condition occurs.
User preventing nuclear radiation method two: a news report said Japan
nuclear power plants use water injection to cool, this is likely to
lead to the sea are also affected by nuclear contamination, even if
the cooling sea water is not discharged into the sea, and the nuclear
leakage is likely to lead to radioactive material into the ocean, then
into the sea of a variety of fish and shrimp and other
creatures.Therefore we do not eat fish with shrimp.

Comments of experts: for residents affected by nuclear pollution of
sea area have been identified, this claim is justified, but based on
current data, yet this pollution information in China, so residents do
not need to worry too much fasting and seafood products in China.Why
if eating seafood affected by nuclear pollution after the human body
should not be determined what? seafood if there are radioactive
elements, people after eating, the radioactive elements will also
enter the body, once inside the human body have radioactive elements,
it will slowly release radiation.High temperature cooking things that
could not be blocked, because radioactive elements are involved in the
metabolism of the body, such as iodine, after entering the body enters
in the thyroid.

User preventing radiation method three: for the prevention of nuclear
radiation, taking Chinese medicines, such as clearing, prescriptions
for invigorating Qi nourishing Yin traditional Chinese medicine, also
should have more vitamins, eat vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables,
vitamin tablets directly if no time.

Expert comment: this method with the usual mass was advised to prevent
influenza should strengthen the same.Among them, taking Chinese
medicines of this approach is not easy to eat, even clearing should be
based on individual choosing physical reality, but also by
professional compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine.Also, for
people, and eat more foods rich in vitamins, it is useful, because the
vitamin is conducive to repair cells.

User preventing radiation method four: If you have friends from Japan,
especially coming back from Fukushima, don't get close to him or her,
because of his or her body with a radioactive element, you may also be
affected by nuclear radiation.

Expert comment: this is an unnecessary worry.First of all, for the
suspected person is within the scope of nuclear radiation, they will
bathe changing, and these can effectively clear the attach to clothing
or skin of radioactive substances and, secondly, even inside the human
body contains trace amounts of radioactive elements in the body,
radiation levels in few words does not pose a threat to others.For
those who suspect they may have been in the radioactive contamination
of people, you can check through professional radiometer.

Five users to prevent radiation method: applied essential oil can
prevent nuclear radiation, so when you go out to her own body
especially at the face, neck and limbs coated essential oil.

Expert comment: this argument too far-fetched, if you want to say what
is the scientific reason, can only say that the possible application
of essential oil skin less vulnerable to contamination on the
radioactive dust, and consequently reduce the radioactive pollution in
vitro.However this practice is more belonging to their comfort, once
really faced a large amount of radioactive contamination in vitro,
essential oil of this smear method might as well dress hidden strength
close doors and Windows in the room.


Top ten Office risk pregnant mothers, note AD: Do you want to know how to weight loss with diet solution? Please click here http://cd2915s22z0u5p9qi6jjvt5pb5.hop.clickbank.net Now more and more pregnant mother needs to work in his Office and the numb

Top ten Office risk pregnant mothers, note
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Now more and more pregnant mother needs to work in his Office and the
number of risks, pregnant mother is to be aware of it, let lucky
number one by one to the grass.

Daily work without computers, will be difficult to ensure the safety
of fetal baby?

Expert Answer: No.

In fact, this is some exaggerated the harm of computer at the mother,
in fact using computers no more than 4 hours a day, and do a good job
preventing radiation, on the development of fetal babies will not
cause a big obstacle.

Ms Wong zhizhao: to prevent computer radiation, I often use is to use
a computer protection screen, it can effectively shielding
electromagnetic radiation of at least 75%; in putting on a
radiation-proof vest, they can reduce their own electromagnetic
radiation to the chest and abdomen.

Ms Liu zhizhao: mother to many habits need to change before, like
unlimited browsing on the Internet before or when playing games, some
like always on computer, think it can be used at any time, and avoid
the hassle of opening and shutting.Now you need to correct those
habits, form a complete the retrieve or print immediately turn off the
computer habits, don't waste too much time on the computer.

18 questions and answers as you resolve constipation during pregnancy

Pregnancy four "difficult" free learn to easily

6 remove the pregnancy oral odor

Pregnancy supplement ten practices of error correction

The new secret of breast-care during pregnancy

Doctors warn: mother to see other people's computers from your side or
back of loose radiation.Determination of electromagnetic radiation, in
front of a computer screen the radiation far below the computer side,
the back of the radiation, because protection screen masks a lot of
radiation.If the mother sat in the walls of a few computers, it will
be the most dangerous, I recommend that the mother to request seat
change to window corners, only close to their own computer.

Seat with ample lighting, you can do to prevent calcium deficiency in
pregnant women?

Expert answers: Yes.

Calcium supplementation does not solve the problem of mother to
calcium deficiency, you also need to accept a certain amount of
sunlight.If there are insufficient vitamin d and vitamin e, discharge
can cause calcium a lot, usually 90% with urine excreted.Ensure
adequate lighting is an important condition of mother's own production
of vitamin d, so there should be adequate mother to seat the Sun.

Madam WONG zhizhao: since I know I have a baby, I asked the company to
help I exchanged seats, now my seat by the window, and therefore
acceptable to the rays of the Sun every day.However, our company can
accept short sun exposure, in order to ensure that there are enough
sun, daily noon break, will walk the stairs up to the square, a free
"sunbathing" each time "sunbathing" time I have control in about 1
hour.5 months ' gestation time, significant increase in demand for
calcium and other nutrients the baby, so I will add a certain amount
of calcium, and appropriate to extend my "sunbathing", in order to
fully absorb calcium.

Doctors warn: Sun to Windows that open on to the seat in an Office,
mother to work in the Sun when you enjoy sunbathing, otherwise your
skin from sun damage.Select Sunscreen SPF value at around 30 products,
but also with those of the more moderate product, otherwise you will
have an impact on the fetal babies.


Mother to calcium deficiency are prone to loose teeth, nails become
thin, soft and dream in the night sweats, leg cramps, and other

The second trimester, do I need to Block up the foot?

Expert answers: Yes.

Mother in the second trimester Block up the foot can reduce the burden
on the legs, effective prevention of oedema.To the middle period of
pregnancy, fetal baby weight increased significantly, thus enabling
our mother to weight load increases, increasing pressure on the legs,
edema induced by easily.

Ms Liu zhizhao: time to the second trimester, I bought a small stool
in the seat for yourself below, if other mother to feel uncomfortable
for a small stool, you can find a short little box over there.Every 1
hour or so, I will place their feet on a Chair above for some time, so
you can ease foot fatigue.After each two hours of work, I'm going to
activity your legs, for example to pour yourself a glass of water, or
put yourself in the desktop file.Sometimes I would be doing massage of
legs, strictly follow the direction from bottom to top lymph back
massage, this also reduces the incidence of oedema.

Doctors warn: mother of activity can not be violent, activities are
prohibited in the Office or district line to walk, or fetal baby
easily trouble for you.


Edema of the mother finds out she's comparison of rapid development,
or puffiness mask product is large, has spread to the knees or above
face, then you would immediately to the hospital for professional
inspection, to avoid serious consequences.
After more than 6 months during pregnancy, did frequent urinary
frequency is a normal phenomenon?

Expert answers: Yes.

After more than 6 months during pregnancy, fetal baby has more than
1.5 kg of body weight, increasing pressure will be on the
uterus.Mother to an increasingly expanding uterus begins compression
adjacent bladder, causing bladder urinary storage decrease in, this
time you will discover that they need only toilet three times a day,
now increased to five, seven, or even more.

Ms Zhang zhizhao: after frequency behavior occurs, the time I started
to control their drinking water, before working as little as possible
to drink water, drink a little more before the fast break.In addition,
I went to the bathroom as his way of relaxing, to bathroom activities
to his lower extremities.

18 questions and answers as you resolve constipation during pregnancy

Pregnancy four "difficult" free learn to easily

6 remove the pregnancy oral odor

Pregnancy supplement ten practices of error correction

The new secret of breast-care during pregnancy

Doctors warned: many mother afraid of losing face, afraid of trouble
and refused to go to the bathroom, holding back urine but will keep
your bladder "embattled", it is easy to trigger inflammation of the
bladder; again, holding back urine is also detrimental to the mother
to maintain a good mood, allowing mother to ill at ease, and blood
pressure to rise.

During pregnancy, do I need to give up my usual favorite chrysanthemum tea?

Expert answers: Yes.

Despite the wild chrysanthemum tea and traditional Chinese medicine
medicinal value of Cassia has a good, can help Office white collar
liver eyesight, be regarded as "eye eight treasures tea".However, as a
mother, it "master Hill-shading and purging" side effects cannot be
easily ignored by you.

Lady Zhao zhizhao: now, I use water as their main
beverage.Occasionally I also own some Chinese date and medlar, they
all are warm in nature materials, used to make tea is also very good,
there is no harm.Meanwhile jujube with blood function, drink a little
more of jujube tea make me healthier.

Doctors warn: mother in when purchasing products such as Chinese date
and medlar, best quality products.

Coffee is the white collar one of the leading beverage, but coffee at
the mother has a certain impact.New research shows in Europe and
America, mother to 200 mg of caffeine a day, chances of miscarriage
increases 1 time.Caffeine also prevents fetal babies developing
normally, caffeine will hinder the mother to the blood flow to the
placenta, fetal baby malnutrition caused, affecting fetal baby

Massage the abdomen will let my baby combined with my work?

Expert answers: Yes.

After five months of fetal babies have been able to at the mother's
voice has cognitive, so mother and abdomen will get their fetal babies
feel safe.

Lady zhizhao: in work, I will not ignore their fetal baby every day
every 30-45 minutes I would gently massage your abdominal, makes baby
feel my presence.Busy at work when I and my baby gently dialogue, said
some baby happy stories.In order to let your baby know more uncles, an
aunt, I will let colleagues and her baby talk for a while, promote
feelings between them.

Doctor warned: quasi mother in work in the to control own of emotional
and tone, not long time is extreme, and anxiety and anger of emotional
among, otherwise is easy makes you of fetal baby "infection" Shang a
species anxiety, and paranoid of temperament; quasi mother also not
forever immersion in own of work in the, forget has and fetal baby of
Exchange, this will increased baby-patient "children alone syndrome"
of chance.Mother to touch his stomach during pregnancy, talk in aWith
the image of the shoes are not suitable to my manager, can I wear high

Expert Answer: No.

Great mother pregnancy weight and shape change, body weight forward,
back muscles and legs when standing, walking the burden, if mother to
wear high heels, unstable cause the body to stand, feet when walking
or standing burden.In addition, hard is not conducive to high heels as
sole, upper than mother to venous blood return, very easily lead to
increased leg edema or oedema.

Gan Lady zhizhao: in to company Shi, I will wear soft of shoes or
sneakers, these shoes has good of flexible sexual and vulnerable bent
sexual, also has is good of elastic, can with feet of shape for
changes, and also can prevent fell, does not security of factors
occurs; in company Shi, if I does not activities, on will for Shang
own of prepared of a double cotton slippers, let own of feet full
relax down, activities Shi then for back original of shoes.

Doctors warn: mother after the swollen symptoms occur, prohibit
wearing high heels.

18 questions and answers as you resolve constipation during pregnancy

Pregnancy four "difficult" free learn to easily

6 remove the pregnancy oral odor

Pregnancy supplement ten practices of error correction

The new secret of breast-care during pregnancy

I have 6 months during pregnancy, body weight, you can sit for a long time?

Expert Answer: No.

Mother with the gradual increase during pregnancy, weight is also
increasing, so at the mother also increased the burden of low back and
spine.Mother to keep posture can cause low back muscle fatigue, for
possible emergencies will cause low back muscle injury; long-term
overloading of spine, spinal bends, pain can occur, and so
on.Sedentary soft seats, also increases the chance of a mother
suffering from hemorrhoids.

M Lady zhizhao: I will not be long in the company sits on the seat,
I'll activities every 2 hours the body; if busy, then I would frequent
adjustment of posture, allow the waist as possible activities.Yourself
to your massage is also a important way to reduce waist fatigue, I
will hands hold virtual, 5 minute light hammer their waist, or knead
waist for 5 minutes.

In order to reduce pregnancy hemorrhoids, I the original soft seat
replaced with hard seats now.In front of the not-for-seat, I bought a
cloth pad for yourself, so that the Chair not as soft.I personally
think that the bamboo mat and above a layer of cloth pad is also a
good choice.

Doctors warned: If the mother has previously had hemorrhoids history,
then we can no longer sit very soft seats.If hemorrhoids have attacks
of the mother, the best hospital for treatment.

Companies require make-up, make-up does not have a lot of harm, right?

Expert Answer: No.

Mother for cosmetic use with caution, because many cosmetics contain
high concentrations of chemical elements, may cause serious harm to
babies, especially white, freckl-removing cosmetics.

Lady zhizhao: company policy can be changed, and can't hurt the baby,
so I started disabling whitening, freckl-cosmetic, only the use of
baby skin care, skin care products.For baby products cannot be used in
place of the part, I choose pure plant extracts in cosmetics, plant
cosmetics against relatively small.Harm to the baby hair dye is also
very large, so I recommended that the mother during pregnancy do not
dye my hair.

Doctors warn: mother within the first 3 months of pregnancy, the best
start to stop oil-use whitening, whitening agent and some white, spot
removing cosmetic.

Mother not lip gloss-coated, since adsorption of harmful substances in
the air can easily be on the lips, and saliva, food into the mother
body, fetal baby health hazards.

Mother to increased skin sensitivity, so in an allergy test needs to
be done before using cosmetics.

Office is "air conditioning room", did long-term harm to fetal baby?

Expert answers: Yes.

Although air conditioning will bring to the mother to a cool work
environment, but also very easy to let the mother suffering from "air
conditioning", symptoms often appear as nasal congestion, tinnitus,
and dizziness, sneezing, fatigue, memory loss, and so on.

Madam Lee zhizhao: changing places, mother can request replacement of
the working environment, working to no air conditioning room, use fan
cooling, and ventilation.If you can only stay in "air conditioning",
it needs to consult with colleagues, every 2-3 hour would pass wind,
in about half an hour at a time, such as lunch-time.Mother never to
sit under the air conditioning, air conditioning direct alignment for
a long time because of mother and birth the baby's injuries are very
soft voice, can give babies a sense or maximally to prevent more
tragedies occurred.


Stay up all night care

Stay up all night care
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To teach you how to stay up all night-time now also can make beautiful
and healthy.
Do It!

1, calcium supplementation to appropriate
Experts pointed out that peak 2 o'clock at night is the loss of
calcium in the body, especially in high speed operation when your
brain, the loss of calcium will be faster.It is recommended that you
stay up all night taking 1000-1500 mg of calcium folinate tablets
before, but it is worth noting is that inhibition of calcium
absorption has a certain amount of iron, at night before dinner, you
should try to avoid spinach, red dates, high iron content of foods
such as eggs, kelp.
2, using VB
Vitamin b is involved in metabolism, provides the main source of
energy, it also active your brain cell activity, improving memory.In
General, the absorption of vitamin b in the human body is 4-5 hours,
if you're going to stay up late, so experts recommend you taking 1-2
tablet of vitamin b before 9 o'clock in the evening.
3, mask
Irregular sleep causes the loss of moisture in your skin, especially
when facing the computer at night, your mental excitement, the skin is
in a State of half-sleep, electromagnetic radiation will harm you at
this time no defence of dermal cells.New Zealand beauty experts
suggest OL at night apply a layer mask, so as to effectively protect
the skin to prevent electromagnetic radiation.
Don't Do!

1, coffee
Throw away the coffee cup to accompany you for the night! Large
amounts of caffeine is paralysis of your nervous system, causing
endocrine disorder, makes the lack of regular life worse.United
Kingdom according to a study at Oxford University, 12 o'clock midnight
if you have a standard cup of black coffee, so blood pressure will
continue to rise by 12 hours, you will greatly increase the
possibility to have a heart attack.
2, cold water bath
A cold water bath can really make you refreshing, but United Kingdom
medical experts pointed out that the night blood viscous, capillaries
sudden contraction of cold water stimulation will make you heartbeat
speed up with, neural tension to increase.


Snack and carcinogenic levels of radiation the same

Snack and carcinogenic levels of radiation the same
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Corruption will make snacking and radiation susceptibility to
cancer.This is because, the body's genetic material synthesis and
repair of--DNA need for folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin
c, vitamin e and other nutrients, if the lack of these nutrients can
cause DNA damage cannot be repaired, the consequences of radiation
damage brought about by a very similar, so do health must be little
snack before work.

Focus on vitamins, mainly because it is able to prevent scurvy,
beriberi and other micronutrient deficiencies.In recent years found
that vitamins also has an important role in cancer prevention.Many
surveys prove, and compared to the good people of nutrition, lack of
vitamin a, vitamin B2, vitamin c, vitamin e were more likely to suffer
from cancer, including lung cancer, gastric cancer, breast cancer,
cervical cancer, etc.
Daily vitamin requirements of the human body is very small, cannot
rely on the appetite to vitamin deficiencies.As the richness of the
acceleration of the pace of work and food, is prone to lack of
vitamins in your life.This is because most of the snacks, cookies,
potato chips, candy, chocolate, sweet drinks and convenience food
contained very little vitamin.However, many have no time to eat
breakfast before going to work, cookies make do in the morning, at
noon to eat instant noodles, to freeze the address at night; snacks
when hunger, thirsty to turn to the sweet drink, is bound to cause
vitamin deficiency conditions.Especially the brain workers, consuming
vitamins more, require more attention to replenish.

Moldy peanuts to eat--aflatoxin is a cause of gastric cancer, liver
cancer, esophagus cancer culprits, it is made of stale food, Director
of Aspergillus flavus in peanut.So, moldy food, peanuts do not eat.
Many people are afraid of pigment from pollution, fear, fear of
radiation, but do not know the food choices also contribute to the
important cause of cancer.Unsanitary food to disease and suffering of
the people is easy to see, food of nutritional imbalance also gives
rise to disease and suffering, because the pathogenic process slow,
however, tends to be ignored.

In foods, vegetables, fruit, potatoes, beans, and cereal crops are an
important source of vitamins.These micronutrients in foodstuffs for
antioxidant nutrients, the human body in the "radical" has a clear
effect, to protect DNA from damage.Free radicals from chemicals, Sun,
and even breathe oxygen generated every day, if there is no protection
of a variety of antioxidant nutrients, they will harm the body, just
like oxygen makes no coating of iron rust.
Vitamin additive does not completely replace natural vitamins in the
food supply.Because vitamin only in natural foods and other healthy
ingredients together, can play the most effective preventive
role.Survey data has long proved that people who rarely eat
vegetables, fruit and legumes is much greater risk of contracting
cancer.After a large snack and convenience food, cannot afford to even
vitamin tablets and health effects of eating natural food.

To improve the diet, you should stay away from those food of poor
nutritional balance, often their own hands, potatoes of cooking fresh
vegetables, cereal crops, eating fruits after meals and dried fruit,
beans and bean products instead of meat.Not only is the road to cancer
prevention, is also a long road to health.


Prompt you immediately 7 kinds of pain

Prompt you immediately 7 kinds of pain
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Some parts of the body pain is a common phenomenon, but some of the
pain must not be careless.Need to be checked immediately to the
Medical Center.

1. a headache.No matter what kind of headache, is to get medical
help-unless you knows the cause.Cold causes the rhinogenic headache,
stroke or brain tumors, can also cause a headache.When a headache
most, likely a precursor of brain aneurysm, this time to check now.

2. chest, jaw, shoulder, arm or throat abdominal pain does not
apply.This may be the precursors of heart disease.To pay attention to
heart disease is not the typical symptoms of pain, but does not
apply.Response in patients with heart disease is oppressive, like
elephant sitting on your chest.In addition, the discomfort caused by
heart attacks may also occur in the chest and throat, jaw, left
shoulder and arm or abdomen.

3. low back or pain between the shoulder blades.In most cases, this is
a reflection of arthritis.In addition, may also be caused by a heart
attack or abdominal lesion.

4. severe abdominal pain.First, most likely a Appendix
problems.Secondly, gallbladder and pancreas problems, stomach ulcers
and intestinal obstruction are abdominal pain may occur.

5. pain in the lower leg.There is a danger that people know little of,
that is deep vein thrombosis.The danger is that once the thrombus
shedding, can cause pulmonary embolism.Among them, cancer, obesity,
bedridden fixed, long-distance travel, pregnancy, and the old will
cause leg pain.

6. legs searing pain.Some people don't know they have diabetes,
peripheral neuropathy may be the earliest symptoms.If the legs have a
burning sensation or pins and needles, that nerve has been damaged.

7. unexplained pain.All kinds of physical pain in patients with
depression are very common.Sometimes headache, sometimes pain in the
limbs, there are comprehensive.But don't suffer in silence, because
perhaps the physiological structure of the brain lesions have been
made at this time.


Meat eating tea risk of fatty liver

Meat eating tea risk of fatty liver
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Now people often have enough wine and food to drink a cup of tea,
which is not conducive to the prevention of fatty liver.Meateating
don't immediately after tea, tea containing large amounts of tannic
acid and protein synthesis of protein a convergence target, the
protein can make the intestinal peristalsis to slow down, easily lead
to constipation, increased the toxic effects of toxic substances on
the liver, thus giving rise to fatty liver.

Prevention of fatty liver in tea stress

1, tea through different production technology of cold and warm, dry
physical person should drink cold tea, deficient cold Constitution,
should have a temperature of tea.

2, best in the evening to drink black tea.Because green tea is not
fermented tea, high tea polyphenol content, irritation are relatively
strong; black tea is fully fermented tea, pungent weak.Especially for
one who has a deficiency of the spleen and stomach, add a little milk
when you drink black tea, can play a certain role in warming stomach.

3, the usual emotional excitable or sensitive, sleep in poor
conditions and physically weaker people, still less to drink or not
drink tea in the evening.

4, tea in the evening to put less tea, tea should not be too
thick.Best after dinner drink, tea-drinking easier to inhibit
secretion of gastric juice on an empty stomach, impede digestion,
severe also cause palpitations, headaches, and other "tea drunk".
Prevention first of all to well liver of fatty liver:

1, the most important thing is to control alcohol consumption;

2, do regular diet, particularly to control the intake of dinner, to
30% of the total amount in one day;

3, nutritional balance, food arrangements to diversify, the best

4, eating more vegetables, fruits, dairy products, soy products; eat
the right amount of fish, lean meat, poultry, eggs, eat less meat and
animal fats;

5, food intake and physical activity to balance, keep a normal bowel
movement, maintained a suitable weight;

6, adhere to the manual and reasonable movements, increased fat in the
liver decomposition and consumption, fat content dropped, in favour of
fatty liver reversal, improve liver function;

7, if the blood lipid, blood glucose rise, to be used to control high
blood lipids, diabetes.

Love the terrible consequences of drinking beer

Love the terrible consequences of drinking beer
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Beer belly is caused beer do?

Men of a beer belly, is not necessarily the drinks from the wine high
calories, it is the accomplice of tummy fat storage, and when
drinking, will unconsciously eating too much food.

Many people like to drink to drink beer as, not as a cuisine blending
wines, for beer and meat is easiest to long of a beer belly, exercise
is the best way to consume fat.

Can't sit up minus a beer belly

Beer belly is abdominal fat, where many people think that practicing
where fat, abdominal fat by doing sit up consumption the most direct,
which is not correct.Because the burning of fat is systemic, not which
parts do you practice, where consumption of fats.Short, fast time to
sit up, the main function is to exercise the stomach muscles, so you
sit up for practicing for a long time, will only see the abdominal
muscles become hard, beer belly is not small is this truth.

Reduced male beer belly and females waist and abdomen of meat on the
same principle of reduction, mainly need aerobic exercise,
lumbo-abdominal strength training supplement.First of all, every 30-40
minutes of aerobic exercise, including walking, jogging, swimming,
cycling, and let fat burning, and then specifically do Web of back
volumes, back leg lift and other strength training.Strength training
will make you look more tangible, more vibrant, particularly the "beer
belly", to focus on core strength training, including abdominal, back
muscle exercises.In addition, women like to practice yoga as exercise
is relatively small, it's a combination of running, aerobics and other
sports, minus the dewlap of the waist and abdomen.

Flat beer belly to tube well mouth

If light can't eat is as reduced as many a beer belly.Beer belly to
prevent engorgement and reduction diet, at the same time control of
high calorie food intake, such as red meat, cream, white rice, white
bread, potatoes, pasta, desserts, fried vegetables without oil or
vegetable oil as possible.Optional huyou fruit, Kiwi, and other low
sugar fruits, edible vegetables and spinach soup, stir fried broccoli,
lettuce, celery and Lily, shredded cucumber with oyster sauce and so
on.At the same time, plenty of water helps fat burning metabolism.1
gram of alcohol have a 7,000 calories, so try to drink less, drink 9
cups of water a day (equivalent to 1800 ml).


Long-term alarm clock "stimulation" caused hypertension

Long-term alarm clock "stimulation" caused hypertension
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Alarm clock is frequently used by public supplies, for the alarm clock
to wake, some people tend to think, in the harsh ring worn out drum at
that moment, as a sharp cone into the brain, people suddenly
awoke.Some people who used to sleep late for this feeling is not very
comfortable, but sometimes want to go to work if no way.
Cardiovascular expert tips: suddenly awakened terror caused by hypertension

According to the doctor, people suddenly being in deep sleep alarm
clock to wake up, will cause a protective reflexes of the body and
adrenaline levels in rapidly rising, heartbeat, vascular systolic
pressure to rise.Long-term from this stimulus does lead to a series of
sleep problems, and even high blood pressure.Especially for people who
sleep quality in itself is not too high, alarm clock of long-term,
repeated stimulus incentives is likely to become hypertensive.
Cardiovascular Expert Tip: alarm is also varies

Of course, the alarm is also varies.If people usually maintain rule of
daily routine, basic bed at fixed times, get up, alarm clock on the
impact will be much smaller.Because some subconscious will appear in
the fixed time of expectation, this alarm will be stimulated in many
mild, not cause physical discomfort, and even diseases.

Cardiovascular expert advice: sleep law reducing heart burden

For a busy office workers, and, a fixed time and location to work
rules, which can't be changed.Doctor recommendations, should try to
sleep regularity towards sleep 8 hours, as compared with people who
only sleeps four or five hours, sleep 8 hours of people's sensitivity
to ring much smaller, the stimulus is smaller.In addition, the alarm
clock rings it is best to choose some gentle nature of music, to ease
the burden of heart; alarm clocks from the head not too near.

Lack of sleep may be induced by glaucoma

Lack of sleep may be induced by glaucoma
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Local structures of the eye and the pathogenesis of glaucoma patients,
such factors as age, gender, genetics, REFR has a close relationship,
with these high-risk factors of people which is glaucoma, acute onset
of adverse external factors stimulating cause at any time.

1, eye and systemic diseases.

2, anatomical factors: short shallow anterior Chamber, axial, Crystal
thickness, corneal diameter and short, resulting in stenosis of
anterior chamber angle, aqueous humor barrier-discharge, increased
intraocular pressure, glaucoma formation.

3, age, sex: open-angle multiple of 30 years or so, no significant
gender differences.Patients with angle-closure glaucoma patients with
over 45 years old 68.2% per cent, more women than men.

4, improper drug use.

5, bad living habits: smoking drinking, personal uncertainty,
irregular diet, Moody, habitual constipation, intractable insomnia.

6, genetic factors: glaucoma is a Polygenic disease, family history,
the incidence is higher than the 6 times with no family history, 13%
per cent of the total number of onset, incidence of relatives of
patients with 3.5%-cent.

7, refractive factor: refractive error in (myopia, hyperopia,
presbyopia) high incidence, one-third of myopia with or development
for open-angle glaucoma, hyperopia with angle-closure glaucoma.

Lack of sleep may be induced by glaucoma

Acute attack of glaucoma patients to ophthalmologists often
encountered the doctor.Sharp decline in patient eye redness, pain,
vision, and even nausea, vomiting, body does not apply.

Incidence of the patients can be monocular or binocular and, at the
onset of intraocular pressure is often as high as over 50mmHg (normal
intraocular pressure is 10~21mmHg), with fingers touch can feel eye
and hard as stone.

Former patients often stay up late and tired, and even some patients
tell their doctors just watching TV a long time.

So why do these conditions will cause glaucoma attack it?

Original, tired excessive, and sleep insufficient, and emotional
fluctuations, and diet does not section or engorgement, factors, can
effect vascular neural regulation Central, makes vascular Shu shrink
function disorders: while can makes capillaries expansion, vascular
permeability sexual increased, caused ciliary muscle edema, and Qian
moved, plug anterior chamber angle, makes room water outflow channel
blocked; on the can makes room water secretion too much, posterior
Chamber intraocular pressure high, around IRIS by pressure forward
moved and makes anterior chamber variable shallow, anterior chamber
angle variable narrow.These factors can cause a rapid rise in
intraocular pressure, eventually leading to acute attack of glaucoma.

Therefore, doctors call them cause of acute attack of glaucoma.This
shows that the life of glaucoma patients, emotional stability, defy
the law section, bearing in mind the stimulation is very important to
avoid negative factors.


In spring training to prevent ankle sprain

In spring training to prevent ankle sprain
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Spring is a good time to outdoor activities. In outdoor exercise often
encounter cases of ankle sprain. Although is a joint sprain of ankle
sprain in the high incidence of common diseases, but if not handled
properly, will also lead to adverse consequences, for this to arouse a
high degree of vigilance.
Ankle sprain, is one of the more common accident. In spring training,
when people in the rugged road walking, mountain climbing, mountain,
downhill, or when running, jumping, once lost, can easily lead to
sudden excessive inverted or flipped to the outside of the ankle,
lateral or medial ligament of the ankle is strong tension due to the
effects of ankle sprain. Its present as ankle local redness, burning,
swelling, pain, tenderness, characterized with skin ecchymosis,
activities restricted.
Ankle sprain after treatment, most patients can be cured, but some
patients due to the treatment of unscientific, sprain of ankle sprain
emergency treatment after inappropriate reasons, sequelae of left
ankle pain, long-term do not heal, even up to dozens of years, affect
walking and labor, bringing great inconvenience to live and work. Is
not available for this small view, after ankle sprain to correct and
timely manner.
Immediately stop the activities. Avoid adding sprain, more
inconvenience for treatment.
Cold compress before hot compress. In General, the majority after
ankle sprain, locally available wet towel or ice cold compress, the
specific method is 10-20 minutes at a time, 6 hours, so as to promote
capillary contraction, reduce swelling, but note sprain should avoid
hot or after knead, so as not to increase bleeding and swelling.
Twisted 24 hour before local fomentation, enabling environment for
area congestion and absorption of exudates, injured location to
promote blood circulation, help to speed up recovery.
Lift the affected limb. Affected limbs can be placed on objects such
as pillows, sofa armrest, and feet slightly above the heart, and try
to straighten the body. By lift the affected limb to accelerate the
blood circulation, lymph return, not the blood stasis in vascular
injury, reducing swelling. Combining oral drug outside liniment.
Ankle sprain treatment cycle is 2-4 week. Patients with mild ankle
sprain after yourself, 2-4 weeks after healing. Heavier patients, it
is timely to the hospital, with x ray radiography scanning, to exclude
the occurrence of fractures, effective treatment in a timely manner,
so as not to delay treatment best time.

Have some old cocktail of onion soup is not easy to lipid

Have some old cocktail of onion soup is not easy to lipid
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Onion soup in France is one of the most popular home-style dishes,
which France's position, like miso soup in Japan, red vegetable soup
from Russia, is in the traditional diet of classic, shows the
country-specific food customs and cultural customs.

France history of onion soup can be traced back to the 18th century,
once King Louis 15 lost to hunt in the mountains, into the night
before returning to the cabin in the forest, tired and hungry, he
could find only some cheese, onion and a few slices of dry bread, and
cooked the onion soup mix them together.Although such a simple food,
but he felt very good to drink, back to the Palace for which commands
the Royal kitchen after cooking onion soup.Delicious onion soup has
become the classic cuisine, to spread so far and to civil.

As the main ingredient of onion, entitled "vegetable Queen" thou,
refreshing, antibacterial anti-inflammatory, blood sugar and fat
Orexin, anti-oxidation and aging, calcium supplementation,
osteoporosis prevention effectiveness significantly.It can provide the
body with rich in b vitamins and dietary fiber, are rich in potassium
and low in sodium.Eat onions have a diuretic effect, so it is also
often used to improve blood circulation, helps reduce cardiovascular
diseases.Cooking with cheese and onion, its rich fragrance of milk not
only can effectively alleviate onion and spicy taste, reduce stomach
irritation.Likes to dry bread French onion soup mix, which can promote
human onion soup rich in protein and calcium absorption.

Modern French onion soup to eat, and continued the tradition of 18th
century, like to add something to the soup "ingredients", such as
blocks of dry bread, cheese or beef soup.When cooking, first of all,
the onion slices, put some butter in the Pan; oil after it is cast
into the onion, stir fried small slow and, secondly, when the onion
becomes Golden, then add appropriate amount of water to the pot;
stewed soup slow fire for an hour or so, load the soup pot dishes.If
then baked in the oven for a few minutes, this soup is more heavy
enjoy.When eating, decoction of French used to sprinkle some spices,
such as end of pepper, aromatic chives, then placed in the ground dry
bread and cheese, while hot to drink.

Onion soup, not only in France with prestigious, enduring, also are
popular all over the world.France consumer association data, onion
soup 1.8 grams of protein per 100 grams, 2.7 grams of fat, 2.5 g
carbohydrates, 1.4 grams of polysaccharides, 0.6 grams of dietary
fiber, visible to the human body is a nutrient for "balance" of
food.However, France nutritionists and dietary experts also reminds of
the amount of onions, what children eat: a best one-fourth large
amount of onions; adults or an amount of three-fourths.


Hair woman 24 years or longer easy Lymphoma cancer

Hair woman 24 years or longer easy Lymphoma cancer
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Women hair 24 years or longer, a lymphatic cancer called non-lymphoid
meat Club. They said, a survey of 1300 women, finally found the
factors influencing this extraordinary increase of cases of cancer of
the lymphatic system.
In 1980 began before hair of women, with more than one-third risk
non-lymphoid Lymphoma of meat Club, and those who use the black hair
dye women over 25 years, suffer from this 1 time times higher risk of
"More black women perm hair dye for over 25 years, with the highest risk. "
Cancer experts pointed out that a person suffering from Lymphoma with
a low absolute risk, that is, even though hair women have contracted
Lymphoma meat Club 1 time times greater risk of lymphoma, her chances
of suffering from lymphatic cancer is still not high.
According to United States Cancer Society say non-lymphoid Lymphoma of
meat Club this year to hit 54,000 Americans and claimed 19,000 lives.
Number of men suffering from cancer will be little more than women.
Since the mid-70, non-lymphoid Lymphoma of meat Club 1 time-fold
increase in the incidence of, and no one knows why. Experts suspect
exposure to chemicals may be a factor. The lymphatic system is part of
the immune system, weak immune system will therefore have a special
risk, especially AIDS patients and organ transplant patients.

Erotic love when excessive liquid required vigilance of gynecological diseases

Erotic love when excessive liquid required vigilance of gynecological diseases
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Sex life before one touch to increase love fluid secretion, promotion
of lubrication, then "liquid love" is more well? erotic love when too
much fluid can cause gynecological disease?
In life, caused by sexual excitement and vaginal secretions called
"liquid love", which makes the vagina and vaginal lubrication, but
also a language, implying that the other "I'm ready!".
Amount of vaginal secretions, as many as 20 ml. Of course, the vaginal
fluid is too small too much is bad. "Liquid love" and the degree of
vaginal lubrication, hormone, age, physical, emotional, environmental,
health status, and sexual experiences and feelings of both lovers and
a variety of factors influence. That is, the number of vaginal
secretions, to a large extent from the effects of subjective
consciousness, on the subjective cannot manipulate this increased
secretion, or make it less.
"Liquid love" more people health and blood may be a passionate woman,
too many if vaginal fluid, will also significantly reduce sexual
pleasure, in this case, the best solution is prepared a small towel,
whenever in vaginal fluid more cleaning. In addition, General hard
subjective efforts to make its reduced, of course, does not advocate
the use of certain drugs. Some female vaginal secretion, and may be
bacterial, fungal or Mycoplasma and chlamydia infection caused by
cervical and vaginal inflammation caused by, the problem is that many
women cannot distinguish between this "liquid love" or "abnormal
vaginal discharge".


Eating wild vegetables sun caused skin irritation

Eating wild vegetables sun caused skin irritation
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Solar dermatitis occurs in spring, many patients to young women, onset
is more common in children.Usually after eating wild vegetables, face,
hands, neck and other sense of local skin itching, burning, and can be
seen with acute edema, ecchymosis, or vesicular, serious when
accompanied by headache, fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, anorexia
and other systemic reactions.
Solar dermatitis occurs among closely related to the patient's
physique, and must have two conditions: first, these vegetables
contain certain photosensitive pigment, and morbidity and illness
severity and amount of cooking and eating dishes have a certain
relationship.Amount of fresh vegetables more people, not only the high
incidence of illness often heavier.Followed by patients to eat wild
above must be the sunlight in to attack.
Can cause photosensitive vegetables many solar Dermatitis, wild
celery, ash cuisine, Chinese Milk vetch, radish leaves, mustard, Elm
leaves, Acacia, and amaranth, cephalanoplos segetum, figs, and
cultivation of Auricularia Auricula vegetables such as cabbage,
coriander, spinach and rape in.What about how to prevent this
occurrence of allergic? allergy caused by is the best way not to eat
wild vegetables, especially not an excessive amount of food at a time,
or directly after eating in the evening to rest, avoid contact with
the rays of the Sun.
Many people loved picking wild herbs and wild plants, but some may
cause allergy or poisoning, people in the mining and cautious when
eating.Allergies or poor resistance groups will try to avoid eating.
Wild celery, wild onion, brasenia schreberi, Chenopodium album,
Portulaca oleracea, containing allergy materials, likely some special
physical allergy.Wild little garlic if you eat too much, swollen
throat dry, the eyes appear red, and so on.In addition, the majority
of wild vegetable cold and bitter, to relieve internal heat, but will
hurt the spleen and stomach to eat, causing stomach pains, nausea,
vomiting and other symptoms.Wild-such as Shepherd's purse to eat much,
would lead to weakness, blood stasis, stagnation of spleen and
So, no matter what your vegetables, taste fresh on it, not long and
massive consumption.After eating wild vegetables if the whole body
itching, edema, rash or skin hemorrhage and other symptoms, you need
to come to hospital for treatment, so as to avoid delays, caused
damage of liver and kidney function.

Do you live to 100 years of longevity potential

Do you live to 100 years of longevity potential
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Over time continuously, knowledge accumulation, people's life is
constantly extended.Live to be 100 years old, for us, may not be far
off.The following questions, your answers are what?Life is an
accumulation.Accumulation of health from now, maybe you may live to be
100 years old!
1. "one more thin, long life."

Correct answer: wrong!

Too fat too thin is bad, too thin person than normal short life, of
course, obese persons life is shorter.Longevity is the State of:
maintain reasonable BMI index.

2. "sleep can extend life of at least 8 hours a day."

Correct answer: wrong!

According to a study at the University of California, people who sleep
5-7 hours a day, better than sleeping more than 8 hours a day or more
of less than 4 hours long.Too much sleep may be the cause of
depression or other health problems.

3. "resigned from work early to make you avoid pressure, so as to
avoid stress may lead to early death."

Correct answer: wrong!

Something normally would make life more fun.Studies have found that
people who retire at 65 more longevity than the retirement age of 55
4. "sugar people live longer than people who don't eat sugar."

Correct answer: right!

A Harvard University study showed that ready to enjoy the sweet people
each month than those who suppress their no sugar people live
longer.Suggested that eating dark chocolate, because it is rich in
polyphenols protect the heart of the matter.

5. "don't eat meat, do not eat any animal protein can extend life."

Correct answer: wrong!

Don't give up on low-fat dairy products and fish protein.Germany a
study shows that reasonable semi vegetarian (fish intake) more often
than not completely vegetarian (do not eat any dairy products and
fish) are more likely to extend the life of you.

6. "compared to running and walking, for physical damage to a greater,
more likely shorten the life."

Correct answer: wrong!

According to a Denmark study shows that reasonable movement of people
(5 times a week, 30 minutes walking) than people who do not exercise
can live for 1.5 years.However, if the same exercise frequency, half
an hour of running can increase people 4 years of life.

7. "more participation in group activities, charitable activities can
extend the life of people."

Correct answer: right!

Participation in more constructive social activities, such as interest
groups, picnic, sports organizations and charitable activities are
likely to extend the life of people.A Harvard University study shows
that one can increase the life expectancy of 4 years of active social.

8. "single women, tend to do regular yoga and Pilates, thus longer
than the wives of your life."

Correct answer: wrong!

According to a study by the University of Chicago shows that married
women than single women's longer life for 4 years.In fact, happy,
mutual support relations between the sexes can improve women's
economic status and psychological conditions.


Difficulties of pregnancy is not equal to infertility

Difficulties of pregnancy is not equal to infertility
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What is infertility

Fertility is not a not so simple.Birth first child very well, but once
again pregnant couple, referred to as secondary infertility.A pair of
remarried couples and former spouse birth children, but they may also
not on the child.

Marital fertility strength depends on the sum of fertility for
both.Both sides are weak difficult pregnancies, only one reproductive
ability, possible pregnancy.Ordinary normal sex lives of husband and
wife 4-6 months pregnant.If no pregnancy after 6 months, the doctor
will suggest that you also "Please continue to come back in a year".

More male fertility beards grow faster
A few in a lifetime "gold" reproductive age
Spring is not the best pregnancy period
The reality: why "made man" be so difficult?
Intercourse too frequently "planned" end failed

Age is an important factor in impeding female infertility (see left
"sidebar"), gradually declining egg quality decreases with gestational
age growth.According to statistics, more than 20 years of women in the
90% in normal married life to pregnant within a year, remaining
natural pregnancy 10% is still possible in the following year, and
proportion of women pregnant within one year after the age of 30
sharply.If no pregnancy after one year should go to the hospital

Approaches to improve the probability of pregnancy a lot, from the
simple increase love skills to complex drug therapy, surgery, assisted
reproductive technology (ART) (P.50).Inspection and treatment of
infertility requires coordination of determination and endurance of
the spouses.Low fertility in couples, more vulnerable to anxiety or
guilt, prior to the check should be enough, prepare, inclusion and
support each other.

Emotional effects

Couples with fertility problems also face other difficulties.After
they begin receiving fertility treatment, you will find this in the
pressure load.Some treatments and procedures seriously hamper the
lives of husband and wife, even consumption feelings to each
other.Treating the huge capital, is also a major source of
pressure.Therefore, the couple must be reached complete consensus,
voluntary treatment.

If having children is to belong to the natural rights of mankind, then
"disability" looks like in the denial of basic human rights.No
fertility of couples will be subjected to unjust judgment around lost
and sad.When you wish when the successful birth of the couple could
not be, will constitute a fuse of emotional crisis, also lost
confidence in other aspects of life.Husband, wife or husband and wife
become quiet introspection and closed social networks, resulting in
strained relations eventually lead to loss of affection.

Importance of Advisory

Infertility treatment can cause a variety of pressures, patient
couples need of psychological counselling, hospital should also
provide such services.When you decide to accept examination and
treatment, call your doctor recommend a psychological
consultant.Intervention of psychological counselling should be
synchronized with the examination and treatment begins, you should not
wait until the near-collapse will help psychiatrists guidance.Some of
the infertility treatment process will involve personal physical and
mental privacy, direct contact couple credit Foundation, at this
point, both husband and wife needs a strong psychological support.Some
courses are long and radical, may also involve moral, such as assisted
reproductive technology, such as artificial insemination, using donor
egg donation.

Influence of psychological factors

Personal mental state effects on fertility are indirect, but more
efforts, will cause a hormone imbalance or impotence.When
psychiatrists without appropriate counselling, infertility treatment
may worsen the condition.Clinical case shows that many couples decided
to accept after infertility treatment, pregnancy shortly.Perhaps the
decision "broken" anxious to smooth pregnancy.

Unknown causes

United Kingdom 12% couples with unexplained infertility.Some couples
are willing to accept radical therapy, doctors advised them to wait,
however, continue to the natural pregnancy, attempt the length of time
depends on the female gestational age (up to three years).If not,
there are several possible means of effective treatment options, such
as the intrauterine artificial insemination with clomiphene or
follicle puncture hormone (FSH) stimulate the embryos, transplantation
of gametes in the fallopian tube (GIFT, see P.51), in vitro
fertilization (IVF, see P.52~55).Bromocriptine drug did not see
concrete results on this.Study on immune factors help for infertility
is, prospects anticipated.

Cold season or to the prevention of cervical disease

Cold season or to the prevention of cervical disease
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Winter not to leave, let spring so hot looks for the loves of people
up.The beauty of the people, has long been removing bloated winter
clothes, open body to meet the comfort of spring, but always
encountered winter's head on a stick!

Turn of the winter and spring, network alerts, in spring all the year
round gauges, zhanuanhuanhan, cervical health needs attention.

In the etiology of cervical spondylosis in the attack of exogenous
factor is one of the most basic factor, we usually speak of evil
include "wet, rain, climate change, alternating hot and cold", while
climate change, alternating hot and cold often causes acute pain
cervical discomfort.

Therefore, when zhanuanhuanhan in the spring, there are several life
details of the injury of cervical health special needs our attention:

Replacement of spring clothing and winter clothes

In General, winter clothes not only in the spring of thickness and
fitted with a difference, also special attention on the collar, winter
clothes on warm-keeping role of the neck are obvious.Suddenly cut
winter clothes and on the neck without making any health care
facilities, cold air raids, neck is fairly easy for chill acute pain
and discomfort.

Most of the girls after the discard winter clothes, coupled with
scarves to protect cervical spine, while men seem to be doing enough
in this regard.Therefore, experts caution that when in off his heavy
coat, if not used in scarves, you should try to wear high-collar

Out for an outing

Spring when the Sun is shining, go to the countryside to spring is one
of the most favourite leisure activities.Similar Ta kind of outdoor
activities for the patients with cervical spondylosis, very useful,
not only activities neck by sunshine added calcium, for patients with
psychological conditioning is also very good.But on their way out,
many friends were beautiful scenery outside the window, attracted by
the breeze, fresh air, open Windows all the way forward.Although does
not feel cold, neck discomfort but suddenly when she comes home.In
fact, this is the result of attacks by cold air, because the spring
breeze light from the cold, and neck that does not continuously
affected by cold.

In addition, at the time of spring, changes clothes also need attention.

Sleep apnea

Spring night, occasionally warming, due to the reduced bedding is not
timely, sleep easy fever, is unwittingly reveal the neck and
shoulders, until feel cold when I'm afraid of neck pain has already
occurred, you should change bedding in a timely manner, for example,
replace it with a little thin bedding, but covered with blankets, such
as, when you feel heat, when the blanket on the line on the surface.

In addition, winter use feather pillows, into the spring should be
properly replaced after, otherwise cold more easily in a position
adjustment of head and neck after sweating.Therefore, has of network
has been advocate, members in select pillow of when, should full
consider to hot and cold Shi of applicability problem, because
cervical patients on pillow very critical, comfortable of pillow,
often more conducive to cervical patients of rehabilitation, in has of
network of health supplies library in, we recommended green load slow
back bomb cervical repair pillow, not only because slow back bomb of
natural advantage can brings more comfortable of sleep environment,
also because it of velvet and bamboo fiber pillowcase of match, full
consider to has user in cold, and hot climate Xia two species
different of demand.

Overall, the climate of instability in the spring time, should pay
special attention to the maintenance of the neck, not cold, otherwise
cold intrusions, in Meridian, in cervical joints, obstruction of qi
and blood resistance, not only pain in the neck prone bi channel,
muscle involvement, can also exacerbate the degeneration of the
cervical spine.Should also avoid heat, because when heated, if the
processing is not timely, often mean a serious cold intrusions.

Finally, a network of experts remind us that neck catch cold easily
shall not apply in the spring, hot towels for early cervical pain hot
compress compress to avoid extinction symptom exacerbation.In
addition, such a good season in the spring, is also the best time of
cervical spondylosis treated, should actively participate in outdoor
activities and exercise.

Causes of women vagina dry

Causes of women vagina dry
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As long as the vagina dry wrapped around the torso, even 5 minutes of
intimacy can make women's pain.Chinese medicine is "vaginal wet heat"
category.Forced sexual intercourse the vagina is dry, can lead to
vaginal congestion, even swelling, vaginal wall mucosal damage,
infection, or even induced by a variety of diseases.So, induced female
vagina dry what are the reasons?

Seven causes of women vagina dry

Dry vagina cause 1: endocrine disorders

After a 35 year old women, if after a period of frequent menstruation
problems, may mean that endocrine disorders can also lead to a
reduction of vaginal secretions.

Dry vagina reason 2: vaginitis

If you are suffering from vaginal, sex vaginal mucous congestion, lead
to a reduction of secretion.

Dry vagina reason 3 pills

For individual people, regular use of the contraceptive pill for a
long time, drug side effects of possible vaginal progesterone in dry,
women didn't have sex life.

Dry vagina reason 4 excessive cleaning

Many women think that leucorrhea was very dirty, often repeatedly do
vaginal depth flushing.However, is too clean, resulting in vaginal
secretion and beneficial bacteria that cannot be kept, resulting in a
dry vagina.

Dry vagina reason 5 diet is not balanced

In addition to dry vagina, if women are accompanied by numbness of the
mouth inflammation, dry skin, desquamation of the situation, it
indicates that the imbalance in the diet, particularly by lack of
vitamin B2.This situation can lead to vaginal wall drying, mucosal
congestion, even years since the break.

Dry vagina cause 6: insufficient sexual excitement

Women sex drive, but does not meet the necessary level, or husband a
"get straight to the point", will result in less female body fluid
secretion, hence dry vagina.

Dry vagina reason 7 psychological pressure

Work, and life stress is causing low libido, sexual arousing
hysteresis, dry vagina.

Female vagina dry how to solve?

In fact, there are many ways to solve the problem of dry
vagina.Experts say that, for arousing less than women, be sure to
communicate with partners fully, so that he becomes more gentle
foreplay, more patient, appropriate to extend the time, give a good

Try water soluble lubricant is also a good choice.Survey, United
States 67% of couples are using this product.It irritation is very
small, can make people relax enjoy sex.

Menopausal women may drop in postmenopausal hormone levels caused by
drying, can doctors under the guidance of the amount of estrogen

Women with inflammatory and healed vaginitis, dry issue will naturally
also has improved.

If this is due to imbalance in the diet causes the vagina dry, can eat
plenty of cereals and grains, to increase the skin and mucous membrane
elasticity and moisture content.

Loves clean usually use fresh water to clean the vulva of females
would have been enough, be sure to avoid frequent vaginal DOUCHING.

Causes of women vagina dry

Causes of women vagina dry
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As long as the vagina dry wrapped around the torso, even 5 minutes of
intimacy can make women's pain.Chinese medicine is "vaginal wet heat"
category.Forced sexual intercourse the vagina is dry, can lead to
vaginal congestion, even swelling, vaginal wall mucosal damage,
infection, or even induced by a variety of diseases.So, induced female
vagina dry what are the reasons?

Seven causes of women vagina dry

Dry vagina cause 1: endocrine disorders

After a 35 year old women, if after a period of frequent menstruation
problems, may mean that endocrine disorders can also lead to a
reduction of vaginal secretions.

Dry vagina reason 2: vaginitis

If you are suffering from vaginal, sex vaginal mucous congestion, lead
to a reduction of secretion.

Dry vagina reason 3 pills

For individual people, regular use of the contraceptive pill for a
long time, drug side effects of possible vaginal progesterone in dry,
women didn't have sex life.

Dry vagina reason 4 excessive cleaning

Many women think that leucorrhea was very dirty, often repeatedly do
vaginal depth flushing.However, is too clean, resulting in vaginal
secretion and beneficial bacteria that cannot be kept, resulting in a
dry vagina.

Dry vagina reason 5 diet is not balanced

In addition to dry vagina, if women are accompanied by numbness of the
mouth inflammation, dry skin, desquamation of the situation, it
indicates that the imbalance in the diet, particularly by lack of
vitamin B2.This situation can lead to vaginal wall drying, mucosal
congestion, even years since the break.

Dry vagina cause 6: insufficient sexual excitement

Women sex drive, but does not meet the necessary level, or husband a
"get straight to the point", will result in less female body fluid
secretion, hence dry vagina.

Dry vagina reason 7 psychological pressure

Work, and life stress is causing low libido, sexual arousing
hysteresis, dry vagina.

Female vagina dry how to solve?

In fact, there are many ways to solve the problem of dry
vagina.Experts say that, for arousing less than women, be sure to
communicate with partners fully, so that he becomes more gentle
foreplay, more patient, appropriate to extend the time, give a good

Try water soluble lubricant is also a good choice.Survey, United
States 67% of couples are using this product.It irritation is very
small, can make people relax enjoy sex.

Menopausal women may drop in postmenopausal hormone levels caused by
drying, can doctors under the guidance of the amount of estrogen

Women with inflammatory and healed vaginitis, dry issue will naturally
also has improved.

If this is due to imbalance in the diet causes the vagina dry, can eat
plenty of cereals and grains, to increase the skin and mucous membrane
elasticity and moisture content.

Loves clean usually use fresh water to clean the vulva of females
would have been enough, be sure to avoid frequent vaginal DOUCHING.

B-ultrasonography during pregnancy FAQ

B-ultrasonography during pregnancy FAQ
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Pregnant woman to the hospital for prenatal screening is, clinicians
often with b-ultrasonography to the diagnosis.B-ultrasonography during
pregnancy FAQ What?

, Ultrasonic instruments and what?

Ultrasound can not only visualize the process of fetal intrauterine
growth, can judge relatively accurate mother to baby.The most common
form of b-ultrasound and General ultrasonography, there are
three-four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasonography and, vaginal b-.


General CDFI

Three-dimensional color Doppler flow Imaging

Four-dimensional color Doppler flow Imaging

Vaginal b-ultrasound

Second, ultrasonic inspection is the more expensive the better?

Regular antenatal use of b-or General ultrasonography to complete, not
necessarily select three-or four-dimensional ultrasonography.Select
three-or four-dimensional observation of fetal behavior is more
intuitive, such as sucking fingers, yawn, turn the body, and so on,
and to leave a better Memorial.Three-or four-dimensional color Doppler
ultrasound in late pregnancy for up to one.

Three do, vaginal b-causes abortion?

Vaginal b-general arrangement early in the pregnancy, doctors will
vaginal probe coated with lubricants, condoms on the set, then
coloured aseptic coupling agent, into vaginal fornix.Check general no
bleeding, will not increase chances of miscarriage, mother does not
have to worry too much.

Four or three-or four-dimensional ultrasonography will there be dangerous?

Even the traditional b-ultrasonography is not hundred percent safe,
three-or four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound checks take about
20 minutes, so potentially hazardous chances will increase.But if you
only do it once, is not likely to be affecting the health of the

About pregnancy weeks best suited to do three dimensional b-?
Five, do several more b-affects fetal health?

Different ultrasound and x-ray, to date there is not enough evidence
that ultrasonic run the risk distorted.But experts recommend that,
general principles of prenatal ultrasound examination should be taken
to minimize, entire pregnancy will be 2 times the necessary checks.But
if the mother has a special situation, according to the doctor's

Done 3 times a month do b-ultrasound on fetus will have an effect?

TIPS: special condition to be b-

Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy;

When does not match the number of weeks of pregnancy and abdominal size;

Check the suspected fetal position not being nor time;

When pregnancy over due.

Six, When ultrasound during pregnancy?

Under normal circumstances, mother should do 2 times during pregnancy

1, but before the 25 weeks of gestation

Check the purpose: observation of fetal development are normal, with
or without defects.

33-37 2, pregnancy week

Check the purpose: to observe the placenta, the existence of placenta
previa, preparing for which delivery mode you choose.

Irregular menstrual cycles before pregnancy or early pregnancy bleeding mother:

3, before 12 weeks of gestation

Checking purposes: determining fetal survival, speculated that mother to baby.

Comparison of b-ultrasound in pregnancy index and description

Seven, a history of abortion, should the early b-for the first time?

Mother of 2 or more miscarriages, doctors usually recommend early b-,
early b-check is no guarantee that all normal fetus, especially 6
weeks before, can only see the fetal SAC, only to wonder whether an
ectopic pregnancy, bleeding or pain and other symptoms of cases it is
necessary to do.
Eight, before you make b-do you need a holding back urine?

Early pregnancy: the need for

Early pregnancy, the uterus in the pelvis, also, intestinal cavity
gases and the effects of intestinal canal, show less clear, at this
point if the filling of the bladder, intestinal squeeze will aside,
b-scan ultrasonic image would be more clear.

Prenatal: required or not required

Under normal circumstances, observation of antenatal checks whether
the fetus is normal, so there is no need to be holding back
urine.However, if the abnormal placental position, you need to be
holding back urine checks.

Holding back urine on the fetus is affected?

Nine, mother is so fat will affect b-results?

Yes, it affects.Mother is so fat will be more difficult, because the
ultrasonic through too much energy will weaken, formation of the image
is less clear.And since the fetal heart is too small, prospective
mother's so fat, it is difficult to detect fetal heart, even if
detected, the accuracy will be greatly reduced.Therefore, the mother
it is necessary to control body weight during pregnancy.

Ten diseases was not, is there any b-ultrasonography?

Serious deformity is usually very hard to find, but some exceptions
are likely to be ignored or could not check out.Because there are many
factors affecting the checks, there are relatively few such as
amniotic fluid, fetal skeletal acoustic shadow, fetal position is
fixed.And some abnormalities in specific weeks or only to a certain
time will show it.

Study: spina bifida, limbs are incomplete and severe abdominal
problems, found rates of 90% above; the heart defect discovery rate of
25% and character of diseases such as Autism found rates of only 0%.

18-24 weeks ' gestation in General is the best time of the diagnosis
of fetal malformation.If unusual, usually schedule the second check,
if there is an exception, doctors would give out advice, is a
treatment after birth or a termination of pregnancy.

So far there is no exact evidence ultrasound checks of absolute
security.Its effects on the human body mainly decided by the strength
and ultrasonic radiation time, using low power ultrasonic thesis of
instrument and control within a short time, the safety factor is
larger, the fetus is safe and reliable, in view of this, pregnant
women should comply with b-doctors ' orders to make the necessary
checks, not blindly frequent prenatal b-ultrasonography to ensure
normal fetal growth.

An intake of about 6 pounds of iodized salt to prevent far exceeding the limit

An intake of about 6 pounds of iodized salt to prevent far
exceeding the limit
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Introducing iodine in knowledge of radiation protection, the Ministry
of Health said that calculated in accordance with iodine in iodine
salt containing 30 mg/kg, adults need to intake of iodized salt is
about 3 kilograms at once in order to achieve the prevention effect
far beyond the human can withstand the salt intake limit.
Official website of the Ministry of health to 17th in its release of
iodine in the radiation protection described in the FAQ, presence of
iodine in iodized salt is in the form of potassium iodate (KIO3),
converted in the human gastrointestinal tract and blood thyroid iodide
uptake and utilization, provision of iodine content of iodized salt in
China at 30 mg/kg.Calculated according to the 10 g of salt a day per
capita, 0.3 mg of iodine is available.
Iodine and iodine is the existing form of potassium iodide (KI), for
each 100 mg iodine.Calculated in accordance with iodine in iodine salt
containing 30 mg/kg, adults need to intake of iodized salt is about 3
kilograms at once in order to achieve the prevention effect far beyond
the human can withstand the salt intake limit.Therefore, through
consumption of iodized salt to prevent intake of radioactive iodine is


Anti-flu this spring, pay attention to some tips.

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Anti-flu this spring, pay attention to some tips.
Many people find that cold spring this year, quite different from the
previous symptoms.Dongfang Hospital of Beijing University of
Traditional Chinese Medicine Peng Yuqing, director of sub-health, the
recent cold is a viral flu.The main symptoms: itchy, dry throat early,
mild bitterness general sense of feeling hot, cold longer duration.
The main reason is the heat caused by a cold immunity is low.Winter
precipitation is low, the spring has been slow to effective
precipitation, there is a lot of virus in the air.At this time, if
poor internal environment itself, is more susceptible to colds.Against
that strain to grasp the three little over two principles:
Eat high-calorie foods such as fried foods, roasted seeds (nuts),
barbecue, hot pot, spicy taste of food, as well as chicken, lamb and
other hot meat, warm supplements with caution to avoid rising
temperatures in spring, heat increased.Less late at night, less angry,
furious and hurt the liver.
Drink plenty of water, Peng Yuqing doctor recommended to us a little
tip: Take leaves, reed rhizome, mint, chrysanthemum, honeysuckle flood
damage on behalf of the tea.Qingfei heat can ease a sore throat.Rid of
heat to eat vegetables: all leafy greens, fragrant, bitter vegetables,
yellow vegetables: carrots, tomatoes, grapefruit, oranges and so
on.Yellow vegetables contain rich in carotene, can enhance the
respiratory mucosa immunity.
Experts advise: The main symptoms of the flu in the coke, generally
occur in patients with mild runny nose, sputum.If not serious,
antibiotics should be used with caution.If the symptoms are more
obvious, it is best taken under the guidance of a doctor.


The simplest measure for anti-nuclear radiation is the closed doors and windows.

The simplest measure for anti-nuclear radiation is the closed doors and windows.
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At 11:17 on March 16, 2011.
If the atmospheric pollution by radioactive substances, ordinary
people how to prevent?Yesterday, the Shanghai Municipal Hospital of
occupational diseases, said Xu Xiaohua, director of nuclear radiation,
nuclear experience radiation exposure time should be as short as
possible, away from the radioactive sources, with particular attention
to shielding, such as can a raincoat, wearing sunglasses, a shower and
so on.
● In the event of a nuclear accident or radiological incidents,
especially when the radioactive material released into the atmosphere,
how to prevent?
Xu Xiaohua said that the general protection principles is the "inside
out to prevent", including its two aspects, one is exposure time as
short as possible, as far as possible away from the radioactive
sources.Second, pay attention to shielding, the use of stereotype,
plate or wall to block or reduce light intensity.
For ordinary people, the easiest defense is to shut doors and
windows.When the radioactive material released into the atmosphere
through the formation of soot, make timely access to the building,
close doors and windows and ventilation systems, doors and windows to
avoid the hidden parts of shielding the poor.While avoiding ingestion,
reducing absorption, increased excretion, we must avoid to stay in the
contaminated areas.If radioactive iodine released from a nuclear
accident, should be under the guidance of a doctor taking stable
iodine tablets as soon as possible.
● What are the consequences of nuclear radiation?
Xu Xiaohua told reporters that the impact of human exposure to nuclear
radiation and the dose size has a close relationship.In general, by
nuclear radiation is that after the initial symptoms of acute nausea,
vomiting, fever, diarrhea.If more serious by the radiation, the
development to the utmost of the infection, bleeding and
gastrointestinal symptoms.The most serious is the brain symptoms, that
affect the nervous system.
● would like to know if subjected to nuclear radiation, how to do?
Suspect was nuclear radiation, can go to the hospital occupational
radiation Shanghai Branch, Shanghai Institute of Medicine of radiation
sickness and other units to do the appropriate checks.If the diagnosis
is subject to lighter nuclear radiation, can be oral or intravenous
chelating drugs for the treatment.Relatively serious, you can also
bone marrow transplantation.Xu Xiaohua said that if by the nuclear
radiation, it should be an early examination and treatment.(END).

Do not use the computer before go to bed. It will harm you health.

Do not use the computer before go to bed. It will harm you health.
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For busy office workers, especially men, after dinner they would
choose to work overtime at the computer, some people like to go to bed
after their laptops on a lap; others like before going to sleep on the
computer to write your own blog, chat or play games.These practices
will adversely affect the health.
Against one, lead to sleep disorders.
Under normal circumstances, it is high during the day and night
temperature is low, the temperature difference between the two is easy
access to deep sleep.If you use the computer before going to sleep,
bright display and switch the program activities will have a strong
eye and stimulate the nervous system, damage to body temperature
variation, so that the original temperature of the lower working state
at relatively high, thereby affecting the quality of sleep , and even
insomnia, dreams and other sleep disorders and more.
Therefore, you should stop using the computer 2 hours before going to
bed, bedroom, do not put computers, televisions or cell phones and
other items to create a pure sleeping environment, before going to bed
drink a cup of hot water or hot milk foot bath to relieve poor sleep
Against the second, radiation-induced cancer easily.
Computer radiation pollution on the body's circulatory system, immune,
reproductive and metabolic function, but also induced a serious
cancer, and will accelerate the proliferation of human cancer cells.
Against three, affect the reproductive system.
Influence people's reproductive system, mainly reduced sperm quality
for men, pregnant women, spontaneous abortion and fetal malformation.
Against four of the cardiovascular system.
Influence people's cardiovascular system expressed as heart
palpitations, insomnia, part of the female menstrual disorder,
bradycardia, cardiac blood volume reduction, sinus arrhythmia,
neutropenia, decreased immune function and so on.
Five victims, affecting the visual system.
On people's visual system have an adverse effect, because the eye is
sensitive to electromagnetic radiation the human body organs,
excessive electromagnetic radiation pollution will impact on the
visual system.Mainly as decreased vision, causing cataracts.


Take a bath before going to bed half an hour is not good for sleep.

Take a bath before going to bed half an hour is not good for sleep.
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At 16:22 on March 12th, 2011.
Life, we often made on little empirical error, like most people think
a hot bath before going to sleep both recover from fatigue, but also
to help sleep.But from a health perspective, there is a problem.
"Hot bath before going to bed" in the "bedtime" and "hot" are the
wrong concepts, contrary to the law of human physiology.Bath with hot
water, the rapid increase in body temperature, melatonin inhibits the
secretion of the brain, slowing the brain to release melatonin
time.The main function of melatonin natural sleep is induced by
regulating the natural sleep and to overcome sleep disorders.People
wanted to sleep one night, mainly because it is only secreted at
night, 11:00 pm to 2:00 am for the most exuberant of melatonin
secretion period of time, after which secretion will gradually
decrease until the early morning around 8:00 am stop .If you go to bed
immediately wash the hot water bath will result in the delay of
melatonin secretion, it was hard to sleep, even sleep, the quality is
not high, you may always dreaming.
Wise practice is to take a bath and ready for bed cleverly arrange the
time, before going to bed a half hour shower, bath after looking for a
magazine in bed, drink a glass of milk, or chat with family, so wait
until the sleep , the temperature just dropped the temperature optimum
sleep, sleep will come naturally, you can enjoy a high quality,
comfortable sleep, and wake up the next morning the spirit will be
felt particularly fresh, it is best not to wash before going to bed
half an hour hot water bath.If you go to bed too late and want to
shower before going to bed, it is recommended to reduce the water
temperature properly, or the water temperature first heat, cold, lower
body temperature before the end of bath after bath, then cold water,
cold towel on his brow.
In addition, attention should be paid before going to bed bath water
temperature with the temperature close to appropriate, that is 35-37
degrees Celsius, the water temperature too easily lead to hypoxia,
cold can make the blood vessels, affect the heat dissipation; time not
too long, Every 15 minutes is appropriate; first wash your face, wash
body, after washing hair (End).

Spring moisturizing the skin from the skin tender and aging of small coup

Spring moisturizing the skin from the skin tender and aging of small coup
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Moisture is the maintenance of basic, is the source of beautiful
skin, changes with age, women face different problems to the skin,
like to be able to pinch the skin soft water, to remove fine lines,
like skin smooth supple ,20-30 years old MM desire and problems of
moisture vary, this will all separately.

Spring moisture from the skin tender and aging of small coup

20-25 clean, oil control, moisturizing too bright and supple muscles
relaxed Chuishou

1. Clean start moisturizing shine does not occur

Clean start moisturizing 20-25 years old MM, excessive secretion of
oil is the most common problems. To quickly remove the annoying shine,
fastest and most comfortable way to "wash your face." But do not wash
your face too often ignored if it will only damage the skin sebum
film, along with not doing the work of moisture, nutrients and cells
required for continual loss of moisture, skin problems did not
improve, it will only get worse. Normal skin by day, up to 2 times the
face wash, oil may wash into the muscle 3 times, and can use the soap
cleaning power strong cleaning products to remove excess oil.

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (2)

2. Intensive conservation backing for the supple skin

Although intensive conservation has not encountered serious young skin
dry skin problem, but late at night, rest is not normal, they may
still affect the water retention, resulting in dull, rough. To improve
the transient problem of water shortage, will enhance the intensive
care. 2-3 times a week using the Mask, will be able to maintain muscle
elasticity Shui-liang gloss or moisturizing gel can also mask the use
of security that night, the last in the maintenance procedures, thick
spreads in the need to strengthen the site, the next day wake up will
find that the skin becomes supple, comfortable skin contact, and the
day of makeup can be very obedient and persistent.

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (3)

3. Oil Control + neutral moisturizing raise a healthy muscle

Hydrating Oil Control + muscle often due to too many oily attention to
oil, oil control, and ignore moisture. Particular focus on Zhidou acne
only on the muscles, combined with fear of used "nourishing" skin care
products cause acne breeding, in fact, the concept is wrong. Table
already has a layer of sebum muscle may be the underlying cell
membrane of water and nutrients needed to safely locked. But if
excessive cleaning and damage to this layer of sebum film, the
moisture and nutrients will be a substantial loss, leading to healthy
cells reducing bad ham, acne even worse. Remember that oil control,
Zhidou local products can still be used, but still must be applied
with full-face moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid skin
care products to maintain water balance. If the texture is too moist
moisturizer make you feel comfortable, basic maintenance work can only
add the essence of effective moisturizing ingredients to help pay, you
can lock the water.

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (4)

4. The first re-gentle moisturizing eye care

Although 20 generations of moisturizing eye eye skin problems of women
small, but still more on the moisture conservation attention. The thin
eye skin, avoid using products with high irritation, such as alcohol,
acidic ingredients whitening, astringent, anti-inflammatory lotion,
essence, or high concentrations. Must use the special eye care
products in order to achieve a moderate effect of moisture can be
selected gelatinous texture than the fresh eye products, when applied
to draw concentric circles focused on the skin between the eye socket
and brow, and finally to the to the upper and lower eyelids. Remember
not to apply too much product close to the lash roots, due to poor
absorption of the parts, the extra care products combined with the
oil, leading to sty happens, like a long "eye of a needle"-like! In
addition to maintenance, the remover also have done enough clean,
disposable cotton remover for cleaning power is too strong, compared
with dry skin is not recommended to stimulate the eye vulnerable skin.

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (5)

25-30 moisturizer, sunscreen, anti-aging moisturizer in parallel multi-

1. Sun lay at the end to lead the charge for the supple skin

Sunscreen moisturizer with sunscreen to lead the charge are both
beautiful women in the process of fighting, and never be lax thing!
After 25 years of age, skin condition began to decline in the
outermost membrane protecting the skin's sebum gradually collapse, the
skin cells in a state of internal and external attack from the
outside, ultraviolet light, great loss of water within the shell. When
the cell is in an unstable period, if the cell continued to reduce UV
damage to healthy cells from normal operation will be maintained, the
situation will improve dry, dehydrated skin, therefore, take into
account the sun and moisture into the skin of 30-year-old women are
the primary objective of maintenance . The sun all year round,
long-term sitting in the office if you, the selection of sun
protection factor SPF30 sunscreen in the can, if the field of travel,
often family, you need to select high sun protection factor of SPF50
product, and both should be ready re-apply, all aspects of block UV

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (6)

2. To strengthen early to prevent eye wrinkles

Strengthening the eye to prevent early aging fine lines of the moment
the alarm sounded, more moisturizing eye should be done to prevent
fine lines, dark circles appear as leak age of the perpetrators. Note
whether the products are tight Lahti emphasized, the need to both
moisturizing effect, can be selected with A alcohol, hyaluronic acid,
and protein can promote the proliferation of plastic Triple plateau,
four, five wins peptides and other ingredients. More strength to avoid
too heavy and pull the skin, resulting in production lines, can be
used with tap and tap the action, accelerate absorption. 2 times a
week, using a high moisturizing effect of the eye mask, eye-intensive
moisturizing the skin.

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (7)

3. Antioxidant + by activation of a more beautiful skin moisturizing

Antioxidant Hydrating Body + activation effect is more by 30-year-old
you, the body gradually slow down metabolic rate, coupled with an
imbalance in lipid membrane status, lack of oil the situation is more
serious water shortage. At this point, the texture of skin care
products and ingredients should be upgraded. Can not only choose
products such as gel-like texture and fresh, but used to be advanced
with little liquid or fat is a moisturizing cream lotion; the other
hand, to help cycle metabolism, speed up the waste from the skin to
eliminate skin fatigue should also be Select Add to promote
regeneration and antioxidant ingredients to help cells function
properly the product.

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (8)

4. District Maintenance reversal of muscle imbalance in water

District Maintenance reverse the imbalance in muscle from 20-year-old
oil oil oil strong muscles, turning into a T-oil, dry cheeks mixed
muscle, skin, to solve complex problems, grasp the "Maintenance
District" and "first oil control and then pay" The plateau is. Because
of the oil at the T word is alkaline, while the cheeks are acidic
skin, and the pH unbalanced state, should be used to balance the PH
value of the cleansing products, re-conditioning skin; basic
maintenance is the first word in the control of T oil, then apply
moisturizing cream or milk the whole face. Makeup, the oil can be used
at the makeup designed specifically for oil control products.

Spring moisture from the skin smoother and has a small coup aging (9)

5. Office of the moisture immediately pay for the dry muscle