
In spring training to prevent ankle sprain

In spring training to prevent ankle sprain
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Spring is a good time to outdoor activities. In outdoor exercise often
encounter cases of ankle sprain. Although is a joint sprain of ankle
sprain in the high incidence of common diseases, but if not handled
properly, will also lead to adverse consequences, for this to arouse a
high degree of vigilance.
Ankle sprain, is one of the more common accident. In spring training,
when people in the rugged road walking, mountain climbing, mountain,
downhill, or when running, jumping, once lost, can easily lead to
sudden excessive inverted or flipped to the outside of the ankle,
lateral or medial ligament of the ankle is strong tension due to the
effects of ankle sprain. Its present as ankle local redness, burning,
swelling, pain, tenderness, characterized with skin ecchymosis,
activities restricted.
Ankle sprain after treatment, most patients can be cured, but some
patients due to the treatment of unscientific, sprain of ankle sprain
emergency treatment after inappropriate reasons, sequelae of left
ankle pain, long-term do not heal, even up to dozens of years, affect
walking and labor, bringing great inconvenience to live and work. Is
not available for this small view, after ankle sprain to correct and
timely manner.
Immediately stop the activities. Avoid adding sprain, more
inconvenience for treatment.
Cold compress before hot compress. In General, the majority after
ankle sprain, locally available wet towel or ice cold compress, the
specific method is 10-20 minutes at a time, 6 hours, so as to promote
capillary contraction, reduce swelling, but note sprain should avoid
hot or after knead, so as not to increase bleeding and swelling.
Twisted 24 hour before local fomentation, enabling environment for
area congestion and absorption of exudates, injured location to
promote blood circulation, help to speed up recovery.
Lift the affected limb. Affected limbs can be placed on objects such
as pillows, sofa armrest, and feet slightly above the heart, and try
to straighten the body. By lift the affected limb to accelerate the
blood circulation, lymph return, not the blood stasis in vascular
injury, reducing swelling. Combining oral drug outside liniment.
Ankle sprain treatment cycle is 2-4 week. Patients with mild ankle
sprain after yourself, 2-4 weeks after healing. Heavier patients, it
is timely to the hospital, with x ray radiography scanning, to exclude
the occurrence of fractures, effective treatment in a timely manner,
so as not to delay treatment best time.

