
The simplest measure for anti-nuclear radiation is the closed doors and windows.

The simplest measure for anti-nuclear radiation is the closed doors and windows.
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At 11:17 on March 16, 2011.
If the atmospheric pollution by radioactive substances, ordinary
people how to prevent?Yesterday, the Shanghai Municipal Hospital of
occupational diseases, said Xu Xiaohua, director of nuclear radiation,
nuclear experience radiation exposure time should be as short as
possible, away from the radioactive sources, with particular attention
to shielding, such as can a raincoat, wearing sunglasses, a shower and
so on.
● In the event of a nuclear accident or radiological incidents,
especially when the radioactive material released into the atmosphere,
how to prevent?
Xu Xiaohua said that the general protection principles is the "inside
out to prevent", including its two aspects, one is exposure time as
short as possible, as far as possible away from the radioactive
sources.Second, pay attention to shielding, the use of stereotype,
plate or wall to block or reduce light intensity.
For ordinary people, the easiest defense is to shut doors and
windows.When the radioactive material released into the atmosphere
through the formation of soot, make timely access to the building,
close doors and windows and ventilation systems, doors and windows to
avoid the hidden parts of shielding the poor.While avoiding ingestion,
reducing absorption, increased excretion, we must avoid to stay in the
contaminated areas.If radioactive iodine released from a nuclear
accident, should be under the guidance of a doctor taking stable
iodine tablets as soon as possible.
● What are the consequences of nuclear radiation?
Xu Xiaohua told reporters that the impact of human exposure to nuclear
radiation and the dose size has a close relationship.In general, by
nuclear radiation is that after the initial symptoms of acute nausea,
vomiting, fever, diarrhea.If more serious by the radiation, the
development to the utmost of the infection, bleeding and
gastrointestinal symptoms.The most serious is the brain symptoms, that
affect the nervous system.
● would like to know if subjected to nuclear radiation, how to do?
Suspect was nuclear radiation, can go to the hospital occupational
radiation Shanghai Branch, Shanghai Institute of Medicine of radiation
sickness and other units to do the appropriate checks.If the diagnosis
is subject to lighter nuclear radiation, can be oral or intravenous
chelating drugs for the treatment.Relatively serious, you can also
bone marrow transplantation.Xu Xiaohua said that if by the nuclear
radiation, it should be an early examination and treatment.(END).

