
Top ten Office risk pregnant mothers, note AD: Do you want to know how to weight loss with diet solution? Please click here http://cd2915s22z0u5p9qi6jjvt5pb5.hop.clickbank.net Now more and more pregnant mother needs to work in his Office and the numb

Top ten Office risk pregnant mothers, note
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Now more and more pregnant mother needs to work in his Office and the
number of risks, pregnant mother is to be aware of it, let lucky
number one by one to the grass.

Daily work without computers, will be difficult to ensure the safety
of fetal baby?

Expert Answer: No.

In fact, this is some exaggerated the harm of computer at the mother,
in fact using computers no more than 4 hours a day, and do a good job
preventing radiation, on the development of fetal babies will not
cause a big obstacle.

Ms Wong zhizhao: to prevent computer radiation, I often use is to use
a computer protection screen, it can effectively shielding
electromagnetic radiation of at least 75%; in putting on a
radiation-proof vest, they can reduce their own electromagnetic
radiation to the chest and abdomen.

Ms Liu zhizhao: mother to many habits need to change before, like
unlimited browsing on the Internet before or when playing games, some
like always on computer, think it can be used at any time, and avoid
the hassle of opening and shutting.Now you need to correct those
habits, form a complete the retrieve or print immediately turn off the
computer habits, don't waste too much time on the computer.

18 questions and answers as you resolve constipation during pregnancy

Pregnancy four "difficult" free learn to easily

6 remove the pregnancy oral odor

Pregnancy supplement ten practices of error correction

The new secret of breast-care during pregnancy

Doctors warn: mother to see other people's computers from your side or
back of loose radiation.Determination of electromagnetic radiation, in
front of a computer screen the radiation far below the computer side,
the back of the radiation, because protection screen masks a lot of
radiation.If the mother sat in the walls of a few computers, it will
be the most dangerous, I recommend that the mother to request seat
change to window corners, only close to their own computer.

Seat with ample lighting, you can do to prevent calcium deficiency in
pregnant women?

Expert answers: Yes.

Calcium supplementation does not solve the problem of mother to
calcium deficiency, you also need to accept a certain amount of
sunlight.If there are insufficient vitamin d and vitamin e, discharge
can cause calcium a lot, usually 90% with urine excreted.Ensure
adequate lighting is an important condition of mother's own production
of vitamin d, so there should be adequate mother to seat the Sun.

Madam WONG zhizhao: since I know I have a baby, I asked the company to
help I exchanged seats, now my seat by the window, and therefore
acceptable to the rays of the Sun every day.However, our company can
accept short sun exposure, in order to ensure that there are enough
sun, daily noon break, will walk the stairs up to the square, a free
"sunbathing" each time "sunbathing" time I have control in about 1
hour.5 months ' gestation time, significant increase in demand for
calcium and other nutrients the baby, so I will add a certain amount
of calcium, and appropriate to extend my "sunbathing", in order to
fully absorb calcium.

Doctors warn: Sun to Windows that open on to the seat in an Office,
mother to work in the Sun when you enjoy sunbathing, otherwise your
skin from sun damage.Select Sunscreen SPF value at around 30 products,
but also with those of the more moderate product, otherwise you will
have an impact on the fetal babies.


Mother to calcium deficiency are prone to loose teeth, nails become
thin, soft and dream in the night sweats, leg cramps, and other

The second trimester, do I need to Block up the foot?

Expert answers: Yes.

Mother in the second trimester Block up the foot can reduce the burden
on the legs, effective prevention of oedema.To the middle period of
pregnancy, fetal baby weight increased significantly, thus enabling
our mother to weight load increases, increasing pressure on the legs,
edema induced by easily.

Ms Liu zhizhao: time to the second trimester, I bought a small stool
in the seat for yourself below, if other mother to feel uncomfortable
for a small stool, you can find a short little box over there.Every 1
hour or so, I will place their feet on a Chair above for some time, so
you can ease foot fatigue.After each two hours of work, I'm going to
activity your legs, for example to pour yourself a glass of water, or
put yourself in the desktop file.Sometimes I would be doing massage of
legs, strictly follow the direction from bottom to top lymph back
massage, this also reduces the incidence of oedema.

Doctors warn: mother of activity can not be violent, activities are
prohibited in the Office or district line to walk, or fetal baby
easily trouble for you.


Edema of the mother finds out she's comparison of rapid development,
or puffiness mask product is large, has spread to the knees or above
face, then you would immediately to the hospital for professional
inspection, to avoid serious consequences.
After more than 6 months during pregnancy, did frequent urinary
frequency is a normal phenomenon?

Expert answers: Yes.

After more than 6 months during pregnancy, fetal baby has more than
1.5 kg of body weight, increasing pressure will be on the
uterus.Mother to an increasingly expanding uterus begins compression
adjacent bladder, causing bladder urinary storage decrease in, this
time you will discover that they need only toilet three times a day,
now increased to five, seven, or even more.

Ms Zhang zhizhao: after frequency behavior occurs, the time I started
to control their drinking water, before working as little as possible
to drink water, drink a little more before the fast break.In addition,
I went to the bathroom as his way of relaxing, to bathroom activities
to his lower extremities.

18 questions and answers as you resolve constipation during pregnancy

Pregnancy four "difficult" free learn to easily

6 remove the pregnancy oral odor

Pregnancy supplement ten practices of error correction

The new secret of breast-care during pregnancy

Doctors warned: many mother afraid of losing face, afraid of trouble
and refused to go to the bathroom, holding back urine but will keep
your bladder "embattled", it is easy to trigger inflammation of the
bladder; again, holding back urine is also detrimental to the mother
to maintain a good mood, allowing mother to ill at ease, and blood
pressure to rise.

During pregnancy, do I need to give up my usual favorite chrysanthemum tea?

Expert answers: Yes.

Despite the wild chrysanthemum tea and traditional Chinese medicine
medicinal value of Cassia has a good, can help Office white collar
liver eyesight, be regarded as "eye eight treasures tea".However, as a
mother, it "master Hill-shading and purging" side effects cannot be
easily ignored by you.

Lady Zhao zhizhao: now, I use water as their main
beverage.Occasionally I also own some Chinese date and medlar, they
all are warm in nature materials, used to make tea is also very good,
there is no harm.Meanwhile jujube with blood function, drink a little
more of jujube tea make me healthier.

Doctors warn: mother in when purchasing products such as Chinese date
and medlar, best quality products.

Coffee is the white collar one of the leading beverage, but coffee at
the mother has a certain impact.New research shows in Europe and
America, mother to 200 mg of caffeine a day, chances of miscarriage
increases 1 time.Caffeine also prevents fetal babies developing
normally, caffeine will hinder the mother to the blood flow to the
placenta, fetal baby malnutrition caused, affecting fetal baby

Massage the abdomen will let my baby combined with my work?

Expert answers: Yes.

After five months of fetal babies have been able to at the mother's
voice has cognitive, so mother and abdomen will get their fetal babies
feel safe.

Lady zhizhao: in work, I will not ignore their fetal baby every day
every 30-45 minutes I would gently massage your abdominal, makes baby
feel my presence.Busy at work when I and my baby gently dialogue, said
some baby happy stories.In order to let your baby know more uncles, an
aunt, I will let colleagues and her baby talk for a while, promote
feelings between them.

Doctor warned: quasi mother in work in the to control own of emotional
and tone, not long time is extreme, and anxiety and anger of emotional
among, otherwise is easy makes you of fetal baby "infection" Shang a
species anxiety, and paranoid of temperament; quasi mother also not
forever immersion in own of work in the, forget has and fetal baby of
Exchange, this will increased baby-patient "children alone syndrome"
of chance.Mother to touch his stomach during pregnancy, talk in aWith
the image of the shoes are not suitable to my manager, can I wear high

Expert Answer: No.

Great mother pregnancy weight and shape change, body weight forward,
back muscles and legs when standing, walking the burden, if mother to
wear high heels, unstable cause the body to stand, feet when walking
or standing burden.In addition, hard is not conducive to high heels as
sole, upper than mother to venous blood return, very easily lead to
increased leg edema or oedema.

Gan Lady zhizhao: in to company Shi, I will wear soft of shoes or
sneakers, these shoes has good of flexible sexual and vulnerable bent
sexual, also has is good of elastic, can with feet of shape for
changes, and also can prevent fell, does not security of factors
occurs; in company Shi, if I does not activities, on will for Shang
own of prepared of a double cotton slippers, let own of feet full
relax down, activities Shi then for back original of shoes.

Doctors warn: mother after the swollen symptoms occur, prohibit
wearing high heels.

18 questions and answers as you resolve constipation during pregnancy

Pregnancy four "difficult" free learn to easily

6 remove the pregnancy oral odor

Pregnancy supplement ten practices of error correction

The new secret of breast-care during pregnancy

I have 6 months during pregnancy, body weight, you can sit for a long time?

Expert Answer: No.

Mother with the gradual increase during pregnancy, weight is also
increasing, so at the mother also increased the burden of low back and
spine.Mother to keep posture can cause low back muscle fatigue, for
possible emergencies will cause low back muscle injury; long-term
overloading of spine, spinal bends, pain can occur, and so
on.Sedentary soft seats, also increases the chance of a mother
suffering from hemorrhoids.

M Lady zhizhao: I will not be long in the company sits on the seat,
I'll activities every 2 hours the body; if busy, then I would frequent
adjustment of posture, allow the waist as possible activities.Yourself
to your massage is also a important way to reduce waist fatigue, I
will hands hold virtual, 5 minute light hammer their waist, or knead
waist for 5 minutes.

In order to reduce pregnancy hemorrhoids, I the original soft seat
replaced with hard seats now.In front of the not-for-seat, I bought a
cloth pad for yourself, so that the Chair not as soft.I personally
think that the bamboo mat and above a layer of cloth pad is also a
good choice.

Doctors warned: If the mother has previously had hemorrhoids history,
then we can no longer sit very soft seats.If hemorrhoids have attacks
of the mother, the best hospital for treatment.

Companies require make-up, make-up does not have a lot of harm, right?

Expert Answer: No.

Mother for cosmetic use with caution, because many cosmetics contain
high concentrations of chemical elements, may cause serious harm to
babies, especially white, freckl-removing cosmetics.

Lady zhizhao: company policy can be changed, and can't hurt the baby,
so I started disabling whitening, freckl-cosmetic, only the use of
baby skin care, skin care products.For baby products cannot be used in
place of the part, I choose pure plant extracts in cosmetics, plant
cosmetics against relatively small.Harm to the baby hair dye is also
very large, so I recommended that the mother during pregnancy do not
dye my hair.

Doctors warn: mother within the first 3 months of pregnancy, the best
start to stop oil-use whitening, whitening agent and some white, spot
removing cosmetic.

Mother not lip gloss-coated, since adsorption of harmful substances in
the air can easily be on the lips, and saliva, food into the mother
body, fetal baby health hazards.

Mother to increased skin sensitivity, so in an allergy test needs to
be done before using cosmetics.

Office is "air conditioning room", did long-term harm to fetal baby?

Expert answers: Yes.

Although air conditioning will bring to the mother to a cool work
environment, but also very easy to let the mother suffering from "air
conditioning", symptoms often appear as nasal congestion, tinnitus,
and dizziness, sneezing, fatigue, memory loss, and so on.

Madam Lee zhizhao: changing places, mother can request replacement of
the working environment, working to no air conditioning room, use fan
cooling, and ventilation.If you can only stay in "air conditioning",
it needs to consult with colleagues, every 2-3 hour would pass wind,
in about half an hour at a time, such as lunch-time.Mother never to
sit under the air conditioning, air conditioning direct alignment for
a long time because of mother and birth the baby's injuries are very
soft voice, can give babies a sense or maximally to prevent more
tragedies occurred.

