
Love the terrible consequences of drinking beer

Love the terrible consequences of drinking beer
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Beer belly is caused beer do?

Men of a beer belly, is not necessarily the drinks from the wine high
calories, it is the accomplice of tummy fat storage, and when
drinking, will unconsciously eating too much food.

Many people like to drink to drink beer as, not as a cuisine blending
wines, for beer and meat is easiest to long of a beer belly, exercise
is the best way to consume fat.

Can't sit up minus a beer belly

Beer belly is abdominal fat, where many people think that practicing
where fat, abdominal fat by doing sit up consumption the most direct,
which is not correct.Because the burning of fat is systemic, not which
parts do you practice, where consumption of fats.Short, fast time to
sit up, the main function is to exercise the stomach muscles, so you
sit up for practicing for a long time, will only see the abdominal
muscles become hard, beer belly is not small is this truth.

Reduced male beer belly and females waist and abdomen of meat on the
same principle of reduction, mainly need aerobic exercise,
lumbo-abdominal strength training supplement.First of all, every 30-40
minutes of aerobic exercise, including walking, jogging, swimming,
cycling, and let fat burning, and then specifically do Web of back
volumes, back leg lift and other strength training.Strength training
will make you look more tangible, more vibrant, particularly the "beer
belly", to focus on core strength training, including abdominal, back
muscle exercises.In addition, women like to practice yoga as exercise
is relatively small, it's a combination of running, aerobics and other
sports, minus the dewlap of the waist and abdomen.

Flat beer belly to tube well mouth

If light can't eat is as reduced as many a beer belly.Beer belly to
prevent engorgement and reduction diet, at the same time control of
high calorie food intake, such as red meat, cream, white rice, white
bread, potatoes, pasta, desserts, fried vegetables without oil or
vegetable oil as possible.Optional huyou fruit, Kiwi, and other low
sugar fruits, edible vegetables and spinach soup, stir fried broccoli,
lettuce, celery and Lily, shredded cucumber with oyster sauce and so
on.At the same time, plenty of water helps fat burning metabolism.1
gram of alcohol have a 7,000 calories, so try to drink less, drink 9
cups of water a day (equivalent to 1800 ml).

