
Eating wild vegetables sun caused skin irritation

Eating wild vegetables sun caused skin irritation
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Solar dermatitis occurs in spring, many patients to young women, onset
is more common in children.Usually after eating wild vegetables, face,
hands, neck and other sense of local skin itching, burning, and can be
seen with acute edema, ecchymosis, or vesicular, serious when
accompanied by headache, fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, anorexia
and other systemic reactions.
Solar dermatitis occurs among closely related to the patient's
physique, and must have two conditions: first, these vegetables
contain certain photosensitive pigment, and morbidity and illness
severity and amount of cooking and eating dishes have a certain
relationship.Amount of fresh vegetables more people, not only the high
incidence of illness often heavier.Followed by patients to eat wild
above must be the sunlight in to attack.
Can cause photosensitive vegetables many solar Dermatitis, wild
celery, ash cuisine, Chinese Milk vetch, radish leaves, mustard, Elm
leaves, Acacia, and amaranth, cephalanoplos segetum, figs, and
cultivation of Auricularia Auricula vegetables such as cabbage,
coriander, spinach and rape in.What about how to prevent this
occurrence of allergic? allergy caused by is the best way not to eat
wild vegetables, especially not an excessive amount of food at a time,
or directly after eating in the evening to rest, avoid contact with
the rays of the Sun.
Many people loved picking wild herbs and wild plants, but some may
cause allergy or poisoning, people in the mining and cautious when
eating.Allergies or poor resistance groups will try to avoid eating.
Wild celery, wild onion, brasenia schreberi, Chenopodium album,
Portulaca oleracea, containing allergy materials, likely some special
physical allergy.Wild little garlic if you eat too much, swollen
throat dry, the eyes appear red, and so on.In addition, the majority
of wild vegetable cold and bitter, to relieve internal heat, but will
hurt the spleen and stomach to eat, causing stomach pains, nausea,
vomiting and other symptoms.Wild-such as Shepherd's purse to eat much,
would lead to weakness, blood stasis, stagnation of spleen and
So, no matter what your vegetables, taste fresh on it, not long and
massive consumption.After eating wild vegetables if the whole body
itching, edema, rash or skin hemorrhage and other symptoms, you need
to come to hospital for treatment, so as to avoid delays, caused
damage of liver and kidney function.

