
Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles

Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles
[The Notes contain pictures] (2011-03-11 10:44:52)
b vitamins
Tian Jiuniang
Category: Health looks

Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


   30 coup that beauty can be many of them are doing their own home or are in the side to find some things, convenient and low-carbon, if you've tried many skin care products and even drugs can not do anything to solve your skin problems, Beauty coup may wish to try these, maybe you'll learn something new!


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles

First, the white article:

1, honey, pearl powder mask: Mix honey and pearl powder, honey, do not pour too much attention, tune into a paste. Before use, the first section of attaining a hot hair, then put a good tune was coated evenly on the face mask, wash off after 20 minutes and immediately can feel the skin becomes smooth, white.

2, Tian Jiuniang whitening method: Tian Jiuniang is steamed glutinous rice mix with a wine yeast fermentation of sweet rice wine, fermented rice, also known as glutinous rice. Tian Jiuniang down in a clean container, pour out even with rice also. Crushing the rice a little, then you can put into a container of paper mask the amount of suction sufficient BRANDIED, apply eight to ten minutes on it. Like water and then wash face, normal skin care procedures.


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


3, lemon juice whitening method: paper mask on full immersion of fresh lemonade, and then apply to the face ,15-20 minutes off. Slice a fresh lemon or directly attached to the face for 15-20 minutes to remove, wash the face. Once a day, seven days for a course, play a very good whitening, astringent effect, long-term adherence to delay skin aging.

4 egg white vinegar: Take fresh eggs, wash, wipe dry, add 500 ml of high-quality vinegar soaked in a month. When the eggshell dissolve in vinegar solution, the solution mixed with a small spoon to take a cup of boiling water, stirring after taking a cup a day. Long-term use vinegar, egg, make the skin smooth and delicate, to wipe the face of all spots.

5, cucumber whitening method: To sleep, to take place the cucumber slices to win the face off a few minutes a month, your face will be white and tender.


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


    Second, acne articles:

1, anti-inflammatory aloe vera method: Aloe has a good anti-inflammatory, sedative bactericidal effect of fresh aloe vera farms bought, cut into small pieces deposited in the affected area, or peeled and pressed into juice, wiping the face after face, after about thirty minutes then washed out, very effective Oh!

2, tomato war "pocked" method: If you want to eliminate acne, the best way to eat tomatoes every day changing the pattern, such as the tomato juice into the tomato juice as soft drinks, fried eggs or tomatoes, it is said as long as week and, pox marks will disappear without a trace. You can also apply propolis to help fade acne marks.

Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles

3, Apple consumer smallpox in India: first boiling water poured on a piece of apple, wait a few minutes until the apples are soft. Then remove it from the water, let it cool to hot and quote printed on the pox, for 20 minutes. After removed, will face can be cleaned with water. Just use 2 times a week, be sure to choose fresh apples.

4, purslane grass Zhidou Law: Drafting Portulaca oleracea grass Zhidou Law (in Chinese firms can buy) broken pressed into juice directly applied to the affected area, or with honey as mask the use of diversion, it is said results are obvious.

5, ginger Acne law: the ginger slices, before going to sleep with fingers over scars for 15 minutes, then wash the next morning, a week, you will find this method is very effective against acne scars.


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


   Third, eye problems article:

1, the ice method: using ice or a frozen towel pad deposited in the eyes, so that the blood vessels around the eyes, skin swelling and help the eye, but also can inhibit the congestion.

2 potatoes, black eye to the law: potato skin scraping, then washed, cut into thick slices about 2 cm. Lying, the potato chips deposited in the eye, such as about 5 minutes, then rinse. Deposited at night, but also help eliminate eye fatigue. Potatoes to the large one is better, because a larger coverage. Do not use potatoes with teeth, as toxic.

Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles

3, the tea bag method: the bubble tea bag drained, placed in the refrigerator in a moment, remove the Fu Yan. Be sure to wipe it dry, or the color of tea, but will make dark circles more pronounced. Or you can be hot, then cold, the better.

4, loofah Capture to eye pattern: take immature gourd peeled, to son, ramming paste, applied to the eye department, has anti-allergic, anti-wrinkle effect.

5, water chestnut, lotus root residue Fuyan: Wash water chestnut and lotus root, water chestnut Guapi, and then pressed into the sweat chopped lotus root horseshoe machine, stir together 2 cups of water, water every other residue, and Fu Yan 10 minutes. Drinking water can be squeezed out of the two-pronged approach, apply before going to sleep the best, can reduce the chance of a black eye. Lotus root and water chestnut are rich in silt, iron and protein, there are scattered blood Quyu role.


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


  Fourth, Moisturizing articles:

1, the milk supply water law: every day the milk is squeezed attaining 15-20 minutes a week you can clearly feel the water of tender skin, moisturizing effect is very significant! If you do not want to waste the juice left down the milk residue, you can come and go with soy milk skin residue, the skin will become more shiny, and absorptive capacity will be better, oh.

2, water moisture law: a commercially available water bottle (600cc), as long as a week wash your face with water 3 to 4 times, and often dip water surface covered with makeup sponge, smooth and naturally beautiful face!

3, more moisturizing cream Jiaru Wei E: The lotion or cream in a drop of natural vitamin E, after a good mixture applied requires maintenance of the site. Long insisted that make skin moist, white, this method is particularly suitable for long-term work of women in air-conditioned room.

4, Magical "water in oil": If you pay soon after the dry, indicating that the lock is not doing enough water. Glycerin, petrolatum and urea class of lipid moisture is good, but in the summer more greasy; sugars, amino acids, collagen protein, placenta extract and essential oils refined moisturizing effect is obvious, as well as auxiliary and supplementary nutrients repair cells role may wish to look for when buying these ingredients.

5, made Pu'er "Magic Water": put a teaspoon of honey tea in the water, causing moisture spray, Pu'er has good moisture, antioxidants, can carry at any time pay Oh!


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


  Fifth, anti wrinkles articles:

1, anti-aging Fish Oil: Fish Oil contains a lot of ve components. In recent years, ve been widely used in anti-aging aspects, that it can eliminate the deposition of lipofuscin in the cells and improve the normal function of cells, slow down the aging process of cells. Delaying cell aging due to oxidation, the capacity to maintain youthful posture. Many cosmetics companies care products contained a greater proportion of the vitamin. By direct smear method, more direct role in the skin where it is needed.

2, a handful of raisins a day: raisins nutritious, many nutrients than grapes, it is the iron content of 15 times the fresh grapes, raisins are also promoting the role of digestion and promote detoxification. It also contains flavonoids, an antioxidant, anti-aging.


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles

3, Tremella eliminate fine lines method: boiled white fungus with a bit of an hour or so, preferably boiled very thick soup, and then deposited in the eyes, can not afford to use the refrigerator, there will be a long time good results. Long lines of MM eye can easily try, giving a pleasing use. Of course, you have to cook in advance, painted up very fast.

4, rice group wrinkles: Alone in the fragrant rice well, the pick something a little soft, warm and not too hot rice balled, on the face gently, the skin pores of grease, dirt aspiration, that group becomes greasy Wuhei rice, then wash off with water so the skin can breathe and reduce wrinkles.

5, beer wrinkle: low alcohol content of beer, contains tannic acid, picric acid to stimulate the appetite and help digestion and heat effect. Beer also contains a lot of vitamin B, sugar and protein. Moderate consumption of beer, can enhance physical fitness, reduce facial wrinkles.


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


   Six other beauty coup:

1, honey - a natural after-sun repair products: summer, sunburn easily, and, like yogurt, honey is a natural after-sun repair products. Scientists confirmed that honey has been found to contain all the trace elements in the Mendeleev periodic table! On the unusual ability to repair the skin. Moreover, it contains the sugar of the total composition of 3 / 4 to B vitamins and vitamin C the most abundant, so it repair sun damage, while the white skin can come back, I am afraid that many people can not think of it ?

2, salt with oil control function: for local area can be wiped with a thin salt in the pre-wetting of the skin, gently massage 3 minutes after the break, and then open the pores in the nose on both sides of the site with the middle finger pulp from the bottom up to do compression massage. For the secretion of T-grease strong position, "oil" as you really insist on the cut, oh.


Worthy collection of thirty coup beauty wrinkles


 3, orange juice, makeup: face towel soaked with orange juice to wash clean the facial skin to fully absorb the wash with water after 5 minutes, both remover, but also thoroughly clean the face of dirt and grease, to play a deep cleansing effect. Even sensitive skin can also be assured that use. However, cautions, use orange juice after cleaning to avoid sun exposure.

4, Cherry Beauty France: doctors do not record records, eating cherries, makes a good color, beauty blog. Cherry's high iron content, eat can improve the hemoglobin content, let his face red and moist; and Hu radish pigment and vitamin D helps Xirun skin whitening, skin flexible.

5, Geye Cha can increase the eyelashes: the tea and let cool to drink left, or the next morning before going to bed, coaxing the grass moisten a cotton swab dipped eyelashes, eyelashes added functionality can be achieved as soon as possible to try it! To ensure the most economic price and The "increase in fluid eyelashes!"

