
3 big moves to build sexy belly

3 big moves to build sexy belly

3 big moves to build sexy belly

    Obesity is usually started from the abdomen, especially the family sit in their offices, one after another of the spare tire, so slender away from us. Do you know how those annoying love handles is to it?

One reason for abdominal obesity

    Abdominal obesity: Obesity is generally because this usually do not love sports, sit-life, like eating and drinking, in particular, love to eat desserts and snacks, so that excessive intake of calories, these calories will be stored as fat, At the same time also reduce the body's metabolic rate, so that the redundant abdominal fat pile up.

    Abdominal obesity: The Obesity is caused by constipation. Constipation is the role of the so-called discharge is not working, so that the body does not need plot some of the old wastes. Once the old waste accumulation in the body, the natural expansion of the abdomen up, coupled with the gas in the body, it will make more and more protruding belly.

    Abdominal obesity not only affects the beauty of dress, but also impede the function of internal organs, so the urgent elimination of abdominal fat!

Two thin abdominal Action Tips

  Action of a transfected

    Upright with legs shoulder width apart, hands on his hips or sagging side of the body, with the body swing, twist to the left, 50 times. When asked twist legs do not move, twist to a large extent, Zhi Yao, head and neck to the top.


  Two step cycling action action

    Action is to step on a bicycle for the rectus abdominis (the "six pack abs") and oblique (the waist) the best fitness moves. The correct action approach is:

   1. Lying on the floor on his back, holding his hands crossed in the first post;

   2. Close to the chest, knees, put the two shoulder blades off the floor, but not pull the neck;

   3. Straight left leg, and to about a 45 degree angle, while the upper body torsional right, so that the Ministry of the right knee near the left elbow;

   4. Restored to its original position immediately after his right leg, left knee to right elbow close to the Ministry;

   5. Left and right turns, the same action as the cyclists, it is recommended to do 12-16 times.

  Three abdomen hip action

    Lying on the ground, put his hands hip side. Lift up his legs, and upper body at right angles. The power of the hips with the abdomen move up, then down. Repeat this action 2 groups of 10 to 15 times.

Three get that flat stomach

    Orange fruits and vegetables: they are in addition to containing cellulose, can extend beyond a sense of fullness, which is rich in vitamin C and β-carotene can prevent accumulation of abdominal fat. Carrots, squash and peaches can provide a large number of β-carotene, citrus, cherries, kiwi fruit are rich in vitamin C leader.

    Appropriate fat: Studies show that eating olive oil, fish, flaxseed oil, walnut oil and tofu and easier to maintain a slim body. And corn oil, grilled foods contain the Ω-6 fatty acids, can cause abdominal fat accumulation. Trans fatty acids also increase abdominal fat, eat as much as possible.

    Lactic acid bacteria beverages: drink plenty of lactic acid bacteria drinks bowel, increasing the intake of lactic acid bacteria and cellulose can improve constipation problems, accelerated functional gastrointestinal events, the success of waste away.

