
Psychological reasons behind light sleep

Psychological reasons behind light sleep

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Turn on the light sleep addiction is a bad habits, its pathological horror of darkness is the essence.This half dark terror is start from childhood.Because in the meantime, most children love to hear stories about demons, gods.And this kind of background, content and character of the story appear, often at night or ordinary people are invisible in the darkness, to display the vividness and mystique.Over time, they will fear of evil and darkness linked together, forming a reliance on light, leading to not turn off the light sleep.This is one of the main causes of sleep with the light.Second, in a dark situation in an accident to the terrible things, or had a nightmare the night, these experiences failed to get over in time of terror, can also cause the fear of the dark.

A 2l male students aged, whenever you are afraid to walk into the basement of the House at night.The day he does not matter, but one night is not able to control, he also recognized that for no reason, then to not turn off the light sleep, and even live in the same room with other people to turn on the light.Turn off the light sleep, he was as they scream in terror.At a time, his father forced him to go to the basement, he had passed out on the stone steps.In youth, he once told a neighbor heard the children stories about ghosts,Description of one of the Giants, eat ten children under the age of the heart, drink their blood, digging their eyes.After listening to the stories he full of fright after stumbling home.It's getting dark at that time, only a little star, although is very close to home, but a desolate and out-of-the-way road, he is frightened, suddenly found a giant came up to him, he suddenly legs, who collapsed to the ground.In fact, he found it was an ordinary farmer, by the return of the city, carrying bamboo basket is especially great in the dark.Together with the peasants to drink a few glasses of wine, while his own feet, looks more like a giant ramp.He collapsed have not alerted of the farmer, sleeping in the ground a good half an hour, were family members found her home from a great fear of the dark, can't turn off the lights at night to sleep.Later, he heard that a residential basement, a man and a woman had done a scandal, was found, results ashamed and resentful of woman committed suicide.Unethical behavior and sense of sin and darkness, linked-in the basement, he had a fear of the dark

Nodules of light sleep outside for correction:

1. cognitive therapy may be used.On dialectical materialism and atheism education of patients, explains ghosts do not exist in the world, arise from the fear of ghosts of fear of the dark is a early childhood childish emotional reaction.As in the preceding example, should explain to patients not encountered that night with the Giants, but living a farmer, and repeated that evening after the description of a scene from cognitive, subconsciously eliminate fear.

2. systematic desensitization therapy.According to the degree of patient's fear of the dark, establish a scale of terrorist, and then in a lighter weight of order, followed by systematic desensitization training, continuously strengthen until you can turn off the lights up sleep.For example, for patients on, first by the number of people talking to turn off the light, to a few people to turn off the light meditation, and then to two people to turn off the light sleep, to one person, turn off the light meditation, sthThe last person to turn off the light sleep.





