
Eating tomatoes can prevent fatty liver

Eating tomatoes can prevent fatty liver

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As long as the reasonable adjustment of dietary and appropriate participation in sports, mild in patients with fatty liver can be rapid healing without medication.A net friend asked to eat: fatty liver eating anything good? tomatoes, it is the prevention and treatment of fatty liver diet and keeping high quality goods.

Of course, what do not want to eat what to eat with tomato, prevention and treatment of fatty liver eating tomatoes is also particular about.The following four taboos in eating tomatoes, must bear:

1 bogey eating unripe tomatoes

Tomatoes contain a lot of immature "tomatoes alkaline" food poisoning can occur.Poisoning symptoms are nausea, vomiting, salivation and body weakness, fatigue and other symptoms, severe or life-threatening.Introduction to Bai ji Peng, Deputy Director of new pharmacies, tomatoes of this toxic "alkaloid", will be maturing red tomato skin color gradually reduced, and will disappear in red tomatoes.So immature tomato with turquoise, be sure not to taste.

2, fasting is avoiding fresh tomatoes

Tomatoes contain a lot of pectin and persimmon plastic phenol and other ingredients, are soluble astringent.These substances are easily and gastric acid chemical reactions, and difficult to dissolve the block so that stomach tension rises, can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, even shock, Bai ji Peng, Deputy Director of new pharmacies warm reminder, unfit to eat tomatoes when fasting.

3, tomatoes heated cooking and avoid taking too long

If heated too long or repeated cooking causes the vitamin is a large amount of damage, loss of nutritional value.

4, raw tomatoes and cucumbers not at edible

Tomato is a fruit and vegetable foods rich in vitamins, carotene 550 mg per 100 g of tomatoes, thiamine and Riboflavin 0.03 mg, Nick acid 10.6 mg vitamin C19 mg, vitamin E0.57 mg, vitamin A92 micrograms.With vitamin c decomposition enzymes in cucumber, can damage the vitamin c in tomatoes and reducing other nutrients.




